
Jones is living proof that this is a fallacy. The only reason he was banned from social media is because the left DIDN’T ignore him. Instead we pointed out that he was a hate-mongering psycho and eventually something was done. Do you honestly think Facebook or Youtube would have cared otherwise?

He benched Gilmore?

Hey, you’ve read my FIL’s talking points. 

Just wanted to throw in that Fansided also ruined one of the best Game of Thrones fan websites out there. Winteriscoming dot net was a favorite haunt of mine, but when they were acquired by Fansided they started churning out garbage content at an alarming rate. Tons of sponsored tie in stuff, bartending columns, just

I spent nearly 10 years as a freelance writer, starting when I was in college. Needless to say, I have a balance of 2.5 million GetYourNameOutTheres in my bank account.

Jesus, that Sons of Bellichick T-shirt!

The Pats missing the playoffs would be the greatest Christmas gift ever. 

“Injuries happen when our bodies are unable to absorb or disperse the amount of force placed on them.”

This is this dude’s first-ever post lol

Gronk should have been suspended for years for that hit. Jesus.

The stadium looks like a star destroyer crashed in the middle of downtown, and I am such a fucking goober that I go back and forth on whether I think it’s a badass look. And I’m not even a Vikings fan.

I’ve lived in Minneapolis for 12 years now, and had been to the Dome a handful of times in a Lions jersey, and the fans never bothered me in any way that I remember, mostly because the last game I went to was the first one the Lions actually won in the state in like a decade.

It also helped that I was a big fat white

Stop pretending like Musk’s life is any more stressful than a Waffle House waitress, school teacher, or work-a-day nobody. It’s not.

...does that work? Asking for a friend.

Drew knows this, which is why he always writes “GUMBO GUMBO GUMBO” like he’s trying to make a bowl of it appear at his desk.

I gotta be honest that commercial made me smile & tear up a little. 

It’s a word salad of dog whistles.

Dude, that guy dies about three hours after hitting send when all the parasitic worms come out through a new second bellybutton. 

This will be lost in the fray, I’m sure but here goes:

A few years back, under their old ownership, LA Weekly gave me my start in journalism and assigned me compelling, challenging feature stories when, realistically, I had no right to even be emailing their editors. It’s really sad to see what has become of it; like