
When the fuck did the “apology commercial” become a thing? Facebook, Uber, Wells Fargo and now Papa Johns? I mean, it’s not even that I hate that they’re all insincere pandering (which they are) but you’re a fucking brand doing what it’s function. Facebook made it’s billions collecting your fucking data and target

Are you a flavored Diet Coke commercial?


Please tell me some creative sleezeball has a strip club in either of those cities known as “Kansas Titties.”

She’s the most talented female MC, possibly one of the most talented MC’s, period. I think she’s just trying to do too many things. I’m overwhelmed by the music and substance and spectacle around it. I wish her next album would just be a flat-out hip hop masterpiece, and she could do it too, if she worked with the

Nicki Minaj is far from talentless. You may not like her music, but she definitely has talent.

Go clean your room, virgin!

I had a feeling yall would be here.

hahahhahha air bnb stadium

More stars.

I sincerely hope you don’t get stabbed! 

Oh my god. +1000

Baltimore: Donnie.

I don’t want to spoil it for you. Just read “The Story of O” by Pauline Reage. It explains everything.

JESUS TAPDANCING CHRIST WE SIGNED RGIII. We won’t sign Kaep because we’re afraid it’ll cause a media circus but we sign a fucking quarterback that hasn’t played in two seasons.

He looks like King Hippo from Mike Tyson’s Punch Out

  1. Mr Musk says something stupid on Twitter

He bought on the premise that Musk was telling the truth at the time. Which we now know he wasn’t. After he couldn’t prove he had financing, stock sunk.

As I pointed out in the other two articles, he screwed himself saying a defined price ($420 per share) and that he had backing. In doing so, his tweet became actionable, regardless of whether or not he was committed to doing so. There’s a whole big section in the Securities Exchange Act (Section 235) about what you

Then you’re failing basic English (not surprised). The part of his tweet that is getting litigated is “Have secured funding.” This is an easily provable or disprovable statement, which will come out in discovery. If Elon Musk can’t produce an offer sheet from a bank or the Saudi investment fund the day of the tweet or