
WYTS used to be this snarky little feature that helped get me stoked for the impending season.

  1. Mr Musk says something stupid on Twitter

He bought on the premise that Musk was telling the truth at the time. Which we now know he wasn’t. After he couldn’t prove he had financing, stock sunk.

I often see the 2+2 graduates with good grades as prudent applicants with more resilience and life experience than their 4 year counterparts. If framed correctly it can actually be a great asset.

I will bet you a crisp 5 dollar bill that a lot of those people “complaining” are not actually gay but people trying to stir the pot.  <<< I would bet the same crisp 5er that they aren’t even people trying to stir the pot as much as out of control ‘allies’.     

Aw, look! A Washington fan! Weve got one right here, demonstrating all the couth and gentility demonstrated so ably by the owner! Well done, sir. Well done.

As I pointed out in the other two articles, he screwed himself saying a defined price ($420 per share) and that he had backing. In doing so, his tweet became actionable, regardless of whether or not he was committed to doing so. There’s a whole big section in the Securities Exchange Act (Section 235) about what you

Then you’re failing basic English (not surprised). The part of his tweet that is getting litigated is “Have secured funding.” This is an easily provable or disprovable statement, which will come out in discovery. If Elon Musk can’t produce an offer sheet from a bank or the Saudi investment fund the day of the tweet or

She’s a madwoman and a terror, but I find her fucking hilarious.  Reading the screencaps in the tweets above (plus she had more this AM), just scorched earth defamation of Musk & Grimes (awful name for a country music duo) was hugely entertaining.   Is that so wrong?  :) 

I’ve actually gone past finding her exhausting and I’m back to finding her entertaining. (I realize that a lot of this behavior could well be coming from some mental illness, but in lieu of any real confirmation of such illness I reserve the right to be entertained.)

[Alarm clock turns from 5:59 to 6:00 AM. “I Got You Babe” begins to play. A BENGALS FAN lies in bed and opens his eyes.]

We should start up a collection for black folks struggling and call it the Rooting For Everybody Black Fund. 

There could be, y’know, multiple problems? Trump’s election was a failure by a lot of people in a lot of different areas. You could blame black people for not voting or you could blame white people for voting for Trump. There is plenty of blame to be thrown around.

Mark Davis looks like he should be in an Austin Powers movie as the sickly villain Ginger Ail. 

There it is. +1

This entire article lies atop the premise that it is somehow reasonable a taxicab medallion should cost $700,000? That is much more a barrier to a comfortable life for a driver than the freedom offered by Lyft and Uber.  By far the majority of medallions are owned by predatory owners paying their cabbies shit wages

Way to brush the dirt off the past, re-imagine taxi cabs in a glowing light and then claim we need to protect them.

jesus christ drew.  How about some warning before JJP finger shot.

Err..:you accuse Uber of lying about the part time gig based concept...except the reason why drivers are virtually all full time drivers in NYC is because of NYC’s unique TLC licensing requirements. You have to have a livery plate from the TLC to drive for an Uber base and that means you have to purchase commercial

How much more do we need to know she’s a monster? We have her slicing rhe photo out of her daughter in the flashback. We know she’s a voodoo witch with a filing cabinet full of blood compacts. We’ve seen the tombs full of her soulless zombified customers. What more do you want?