
I’ll still opt for the “roided up too much, his body broke down because of it.” option, only now adding “causing him to develop a massive addiction to PK’s.”

Right? It was the most obvious dodge in the history of dodges. Like this asshole appreciates anything Congresswoman Waters has ever done!

I think they’ve gotten where they are because while Waters sees through the flattery and is not having it, Trump exists solely for the flattery.

Well they’re white.

He wasn’t trying to flatter. He was intentionally bloviating to bait her into walking into what happened to Kamala Harris the week of the Comey hearings. That’s why he keeps trying to get the chair to help him because he is getting “interrupted.” The difference, and why it failed is that she invoked the rules instead

You’re not wrong but his father is a prominent art dealer (and former goldman sachs man himself), a world that requires manners of a kind and a strong suit for scheming schmooze. It’s pretty hilarious that he is insipid at the game himself if it wasn’t for nepotism.

He wasn’t trying to flatter her, he was trying to eat up her time in a way that would make her look like a bitch to people who watched the video if she called him on it.

And you’ll notice that the media figured out her usual bullshit tactics and started shutting her out since she was giving no one any actual concrete answers about anything, and she had to fade away? SNL even made fun of how she tried to weasel her way back into their graces in a skit (as Kate McKinnon) ala Fatal

That is beyond inspirational. Its so hard to just plow on through in being direct with some weasel whose trying to talk down to you and put you in a place where you cant respond. To not hesitate and to snap back without trying to be “nice” about it.

God, I love Donny. Only someone as mind-blowingly over-confident and under-informed as he is could think scare tactics are a good idea against a man like Mueller. Because, yea, this absolutely looks like a man who is easily intimidated:

I don’t think Sessions will leave until he is fired. I’m sure he hates being shit on by trump at every possible turn, but I’m sure he’s weighing his reputation against his current ability to harass and imprison as many non-whites as possible while he has the chance. Why would he quit when there’s so much work to be

The tone of minimum wage service industry work environments is one of constant hassle, disrespect, and total control via middle management. It comes from the customer, but it’s mirrored exactly by the business owners. At Chipotle in particular, they are pressured to keep the line moving at a break neck speed. Once

I mean as others have said... “hourly” doesn’t really equate to “As long as you’re doing something that’s fine.”

Could you please stop calling those crowds Wildlings? Those are clearly the zombie horde/Team White Walker/Night Kings groupies in every shot. The remaining Wildlings are long dead since Hardhome.

Ah yes, the Mongol empire, notable for the achievement of ruling the largest land empire in history. C’mon. This is like saying: “bronze weapons and armor weren’t terribly common” because they were only used for a period of history in which they were used to conquer everyone who didn’t have them. Mounted archery

I think you’ve overlooked a probable reason for why Jon would be choking Littlefinger in the Winterfell Catacombs. I want to bet right now that Littlefinger got Jon down there to reveal that Lyanna is Jon’s mother.

Why would Tormund make a joke about his love?

“The ability to ride and fire arrows was never super common”

Daggers tend to be much, much smaller.

Agreed. Wiping the blade even matches with Oberyn’s spear getting wiped down with poison before he used it on the Mountain.