
if you look at the Bucs jersey you will see the player’s number done up in a block print format. It’s supposed to be a pirate font from the 17th-18th century, but it our modern day perspective it looks like a goddamn alarm clock number.

Hannity is not long for television. His recent behavior (even more than his previous behavior. lol) is obviously a cry for help.

If it makes you feel any better Sean Hannity is losing it on Twitter.

$1.3M cap hit if they dump him before June 1. $734k after. About $574k if they release him prior to next June 1. That’s only slightly more than they’re carrying for Austin Saferian-Jenkins, who they told to GTFO.

The harder part (for the brain trust, such as it is) would be admitted they fucked up. This was a bold


It looked like the Land Rover shit a brick. Or maybe it was from the driver.

Allston is a neighborhood of Boston.

I’m trying not to be that person but I can’t get over the “20 minute proximity” thing. Harvard is literally a three minute walk over a bridge to Boston.


Mind = Blown.

But do we really credit Miley with that assassin-like ability to shade?

A shithead I went to high school with wore a confederate tie and/or a confederate t-shirt under his oxford every goddamn day of high school. In our senior year, one of our teachers asked him where he was headed to college. He proudly replied, “UW-MAD!” and we had to scrape our teacher off the floor for laughing so

I am having trouble experiencing joy right now in my life- depression with a side of Trump - but this Fyre Festival shit? Only thing that brings a smile to my face lol.


I’m poor, old, not into music festivals and probably wouldn’t know an influencer if I fell over one; yet, I cannot get enough of this story! I hope the Bahamian government weighs in again!

“Everything changed when the Fyre Starters spoke.”

I could seriously read a story a day about this. Just beam them straight into my eyeballs.

I know its supposed to be pronounced “fire”, but i keep reading it as “fry”. Then i get confused/hopeful that this was a french fry festival and wonder how they would fuck that up.

I agree! I’m glad the show expanded Audrey’s role a bit as I felt like she got a bad rap in the books. She was a character that I’ve always wished that Gaiman had handled a bit more sympathetically.

After watching the trailer I thought the vision of America as being all “Old West” with flasks and cowboy hats seemed over the top and dated. And then I realized that of course to British people the vision of their Secret Service being all about umbrellas and bespoke suits must be EQUALLY over the top and dated. Mind