
Thanks detective, for your totally useless assumptions. Good work.

And I’m not 100% on tis subject, but everyonce in a while, I feel some sympathy for Tiffany. I could be entirely wrong about this but I *think*, she seems to be a normal, early 20's kid trying to go to college and have a normal life, while her father takes every chance he can get to passive aggressively ignore in a

I feel sorry for that kid so much. Barron is also why I do feel some sympathy in that area for Melania because as a mother she does actually seem to care for the welfare and happiness of Barron while the others couldn’t give a shit about him.

I actually thought it was pretty masterful of her just happening to seize THE perfect opportunity to shade Pepsi when it happened to come along, without her having to go looking for it. The Madge does not require setup. The Madge has time to let her revenge get good’n’cold before serving it. :D Well played.

Plus Kendall gets to keep Pepsi’s money.

I remember the same of Madonna — people were saying how clever she was to make the video for the song so controversial. Pepsi paid her a fortune (at the time, I think 2 million dollars) and she didn’t have to see her new song turned into a commercial jingle.

Is this shade? Again, I blow at it, but...

I suck at shade. That’s what I come here for, lol.

Having read both books I can say with certainty that they’re essential reading for beginning to understand the North Korean people. There’s also so pretty good documentaries on Netflix (of all places!) that really highlight what’s going on there.

I don’t think the beaches are the main reason people go to Newport. I think the fucking insaaaane gilded-age mansions are the draw (not to mention the yachting scene). Rhode Island has far better beaches outside of Newport than the ones available there.

That said, it’s a small state. People don’t come here for the city

Uh, he’s bang on...my sister gets like five of these pitches a year...it seems like every other month some “old friend” has looked her up to pitch her on one of these things...in my entire life I’ve had two...the first was a travel one that I literally said to the guy “this is a scam, I am not an idiot, don’t bring

Then they pull out the “Women should support female-owned businesses!”

^This. I have never understood this.

Five Guys is good food but they have the weirdest goddamned French fry process.

YUP. Really good call on that.

I still can’t look at this guy without thinking how he single handedly handed the President over to Trump with his sexting of a teenage girl causing Comey to send that letter to Congress. Hillary would have won if not for the letter.

I had sympathy for her up until this. He contacted an underage girl. He doesn’t care about other people. He is a predator. Now she is deciding to get involved with a predator because he was “under pressure.”

Yeah, I remember being thirsty all the time as a kid too. Water bottles weren’t really a thing yet. Adults need to remember that they are really in control of children- young kids can’t take care of their own very basic needs without adult help or permission. Maybe it’s a pain for adults, but it’s not fun for kids

I remember being thirsty *all the time* as a kid. The teacher would line us up at the water fountain and chant “1 2 3 that’s enough for me” and it was NEVER ENOUGH. Also “leave some for the fishes”, fuck the fishes, I’m thirsty!

Trump has “perfect genes” but unfortunately he’s unable to fit his fat ass into a par of jeans.