
Bringing Allen Branch back was not a big-money item, but as important as any on this list. I’m no aficionado, but I think that guy’s one of the most underrated defensive players in the league. He’s never really even talked about among the Patriots’ best but I think he’s been increasingly good for three years now.

The cruelest irony of all: Snyder got INCREDIBLY lucky selling his company built on bullshit at the height of the dot com bubble.

I’m leaning towards yes, mostly because he never even bothers to mention Osweiler.

The Browns know they are going to be bad. You can turn it around pretty fast in the NFL, but you need a little bit of basic talent. The Browns seem to have finally become self aware enough to understand that they do not have that. What they do have is $100,000,000 in cap space this year. They looked around and did not

But is it shade? This needs to be cross-posted to Jezebel A.S.A.P., so Kara Brown can give us a ruling.

Dom, I’ve been a Jets fan for 30 years, we are always in “Full-on Tank Mode”, I follow F1, hockey and soccer because of these fucks.

So, I’m super fascinated by cults and fell down the rabbit-hole of Scientology exposé youtube (I recommend Surviving Scientology and Christ Shelton’s channel- both were featured on Remini’s show) and this is a topic they discuss from time to time. Basically, Scientology is substantially smaller than they purport

Cruise could end this shit today if he wanted.

Yup, meanwhile Ashton is doing amazing work to end sex trafficking and child pornography.

Trust me, as a Jets fan, that was them trying.

You would re-sign Ryan Fitzpatrick if you were in full-on tank mode.

Why do people feel the need to explain away his treatment of his children like they finally “cracked the code” and can now tell everyone? What he did was terrible, bottom line. Nobody needs to create a narrative in which it isn’t.

This is bullshit. Everybody knows AP is descended from Persian royalty, not slaves.

I’ve discovered through my own burger tryouts that I actually like to create a small pool of whatever condiments (separately) are appropriate and then dip my burger into those before each bite. I feel like I can get exactly what I want without the fear of overflow. Am I a monster? If so, why? Show your work.

I ordered a sandwich from a Deli recently.

Top Bun
Bottom Bun

We are of the same ilk.

Mel’s current comeback burns me up. Hollywood briefly put him in time-out. He didn’t even go on an apology tour. Then the minute he dips a toe back into the mastabatory gore he calls films they literally roll out the (Oscar) red-carpet for him.

In all honesty, given her track record, I’m wondering how accurate her statements are.

I find it curious that there has been zero followup about what happened to all those women that came forward prior to the election. What do they feel about their abuser being President? How does it make them feel that 53% of their fellow white women would rather vote for a sex criminal, than for a woman? What is their

That’s the best part, liberals are completely out of this one. Let the conservatives go after each other. They have now destroyed one of their favorite talking points - the Berkeley riot, because everytime they bring it up they are defending someone they themselves have now labelled as terrible.