
the only thing i care about in football is when the winning team lines up to gently kiss the tip of the president’s penis and receive a championship muffin


I will say that the Weeks 11-15 DVOA of 16.0 for the Falcons is a lot higher than I would have expected, and I am not sure how to explain it because the empirical “eyeball” evidence conflicts. DVOA is a valuable analytical tool, but it’s not perfect and even though it tries, I don’t think it always tells the whole

The Falcons pass defense has definitely improved and could be called good for the last 8 weeks. Many of those yards given up were in garbage time. Remember that Aaron Rodgers came in white hot and the Falcons stopped him.

Dude stop being such a homer with all of this “woulda, shoulda, coulda” schtick...they lost AT HOME to the Chargers, along with the crappy Eagles. Not to mention KC and the Bucs which are teams you SHOULD beat if you’re so good. The Pats lost a game to the 7-9 Bills with their 3rd stringer, THAT is a valid excuse.

Dude, GB is NOWHERE close to NE on a talent level on both sides of the ball, and Brady missing a quarter of the season has been more consistent overall. The fact that the Packers were so depleted and their best player was literally bubblewrapped didn’t prove Atlanta was far better. Face it, Atlanta was only 11-5

It also sounds like Alex Mack’s anke injury is pretty bad. Your article suggests that the Falcons have to beat New England in shoot-out, and even if he is 75%, he is critical to their offense running efficiently, so that could be pretty significant. Pats -3 looking pretty good.

Wrong. It got six years worth of online donations in 72 hours.

We’re actually having a great traffic month if anyone is curious.

See you tomorrow.

Protesting and resistance WILL affect this man like no other President. If Pence were in charge he would just shake his head with a fake smile and go back to imposing the Dark Ages on America.

I keep telling everybody her name is actually Swamp Barbie.

Trump as President is far less scary than Pence as President. Trump is already contradicting senior Republicans on big things like healthcare, and committing them all to things they literally can’t deliver on. It will cause absolute chaos and they will obstruct each other’s agendas. Trump isn’t a Nazi. He doesn’t have

I think realizing what this job entails already has. He somehow had no fucking clue, even on November 9, the enormous responsibility that would be heaped on his shoulders. I’d be appreciating his misery if it didn’t mean that anything he does will badly fuck up the country.

Me reacting to every name on this list:

Isn’t that the point of having children though? To take out your vindictive rage on the helpless? Read your bible.

Pretty much our trajectory. Sometimes one of us tells the other, “hey, I want this.” But mostly we buy what we want when we feel like it during the year because we’re goddamn adults. I assume everyone eventually gets to this point.

Which emphasizes just how much the injury to Carr affected them. Nobody on that team had any confidence in either McGloin or Cook and played like it.

Yup. I’m guessing there is also some back-channel stuff going on between management teams too. Nicer for everyone if they can have this resolved and the required apology made when they write the piece as opposed to having to shine a light on a major advertiser/community institution allowing an exec to be a jackass.