
Being a Bills fan is a roller coaster of emotions, assuming the roller coaster in question is located in an abandoned amusement park and simply sits, stationary, at the lowest point of the track for decades.

Making a season highlight tape without a QB is impressive. The Jets have been doing it now for about 46 years.

He was probably suspended for PEDs, considering he was coming off an injury.

It must have been horrifying to watch for anyone rooting for Denver

Of everyone, I think Denver misses Malik Jackson the most, not only for the run defense but because he was able to penetrate up the middle and allow Miller and Ware to basically bull rush and devour QBs 8-10 yards in the backfield; QBs can sit in the pocket and both Ware and Miller just rush past the QB. If Elway

That wasn’t the problem last night. Kubiak abandoned the run game after falling down 0-14 early, and then proceeded to call a shit-ton of play action/deep passes. However, KC learned from the first game they played against each other and covered the deep ball, leaving Siemian nowhere to throw it, and instructed their

Fuck you! Elton John is fine.

And yet those same fates happen just as often to people who are married and have children. I think it would be a lot worse to be sitting there alone in the nursing home knowing your immediate family doesn’t care about you.

Because fuck you, that’s why. :)

Jesus christ, every time FA shares something we get to hear you guys bitch about it. You’re not the only people who read this website. If you don’t want to read these kind of articles, don’t fucking click on them. It’s that simple.

We do a gift exchange with my sister, BIL, mom, dad and my husband. There is a $150 limit and you maintain your gift list on elfster. It is so easy and I always get what I want. Last year it was a calaphon non-stick frying pan. I love that pan.

McNair: We have three good quarterbacks going forward.. (Brandon Weeden’s face lights up) (McNair pauses, starts counting on his fingers) I mean two. Two good quarterbacks and some old ginger.

*puts on draft scout glasses on*
This just shows he has GRIT and COMPETITIVENESS and will never give up, no matter the odds. Quality character here.

Footwork, reads, arm strength, accuracy, pocket presence, defensive recognition could use a little work though, buddy.

I mentally read this in Cave Johnson’s voice.

Ticks out.

Well, they don’t just stand in the middle of the road every time. Most of the time they jump out of the ditch at night right as you are driving by. I am glad you have never had to encounter one of the deadly beasts.

You’ve never driven through deer country, have you? You actually are not supposed to swerve to miss the deer - you will cause more damage doing that.

2016 continues to impress.

Jon Ryan?