
80,000+ last week at an antiquated stadium to watch a team that can’t score get their teeth kicked in by the Falcons. That’s how much support, not that I don’t completely side with you on the issue, and that STL was done dirty in reckless pursuit of the alleged LA jackpot.

Look, he’s the coach, and he can say whatever he wants to motivate his players.

“The Good... The Bad... And The Injured-Reserve”

I posited this exact theory last week. In said theory, Prescott will continue his slump for the final games, and maybe have another stinker a la the Giants game. Dallas overreacts and puts rusty Romo in for the playoff game. Romo sucks due to rust, and they panic and put in Prescott, who is also off his rhythm and now

Slater is a WR on paper only. I think he’s got 1 career reception.

Well, sounds like a four game suspension for Big Ben, and Steelers lose a first and a fourth round pick. Sorry Steelers fans. Also I am looking forward to reporters asking Ben what he would say to children who look up to him.

It’s because they’re afraid of everything. That’s really all it boils down to.

My sister in law gave us a RH gift card for $35 (thirty-five dollars) (wtf) a few years ago, it’s in a moving box somewhere. I was like, is she mad at us?

And to think Rod Blagojevich is currently doing 14 years in the federal Pen just for calling a senate seat “Fucking Golden.”

“Good god! That’s 2017's entrance music!”

I get it now. 2016 isn’t real, it just refuses to break kayfabe.

You’ve taken quite a few blows to the head, haven’t you?

Removing the stigma is not the same as normalizing suicide. Changing the language is about helping people who are suicidal and their families.

Mike Pence was sitting in the owner’s box with Woody Johnson and no one bothered to boo him

London Jets sure sounds about right.

Nemesis Prime isn’t terribly obscure. Because he’s a simple colorswap of Optimus- a figure pretty much every line gets- there are a lot of Nemesis Primes running around. Maybe the theory that he is awoken as a herald of Unicron has some merit, but since the Megatron/Galvatron thing already happened they decided to use

I love Taibbi

I make sure to read this at least once a year whenever I’m in dire need of laughs, so this is as good a chance as any: