
She’s pretty much the worst, actually. I loathe her, truly. Her, and Kayleigh, and Scottie, and Katrina, and Betsy are just.. they are an insult to their gender, for real.

Does Christie ever do like ... his actual job of governing New Jersey?

“pretty good Brady”?? The guy is the best QB in NFL history putting up yet ANOTHER MVP season and he’s only “pretty good”...compared to Manning and Rogers who have less SB rings combined??! So Brady is only good because of his coach? The coach known for the infamous “going for it on 4th down in the loss to the Colts

How about the part where he thinks it is a M-F 9-5 job?

Let’s take a moment to think of all of the actual harassment Obama endured throughout his presidency without ever demanding an apology.

Second thought, also no snark - he’s secretly gay and can’t come to terms with coming out, which would explain the first thought.

Sheet, that was funny.

Rodgers is a transcendent quarterback who is forgetting about his family 50 years ahead of his peers.

I once dropped a big bottle of Olive Oil that shattered on my kitchen floor, splashing everywhere and turning me into Adrian trying to keep my feet on the ice rink while screaming at the kid and the dog to stay out of the kitchen lest my wife come home to Vesuvian fountains of blood.

What’s the worst thing to spill in the kitchen?

I knew he didn’t look right after that hit. But I was thinking concussion, not lung puncture, damn.

As a Jets fan, I welcome this news. Actually, could you see if they could flex it more? How about 2 a.m. on a Wednesday? Is it possible to flex a game to never? I vote for never. Put it on the other side of Trump’s stupid wall.

Um, this. He’s off his flipping rocker.

Except that Giuliani seems like he might have dementia or something.

All this is does it make it take longer for planned parenthood to process the donation

We don’t have to reach out to poor whites in rural areas. Time will take care of them. The country is becoming better educated and more diverse as time goes on.

Yes, this is typical of personality disorders. Just wait until the nation gets a full frontal of his first narcissistic decompensation breakdown!

My god.

I hope Chuck Schumer is ready. He’s going to be the most powerful Democrat left in our government after the inauguration.