
They were tired of being called racists, so they voted for the KKK-endorsed candidate. Checks out.

Seriously. besides Seahawks fans, who doesn’t like that clip? I despise the Patriots as much as the next guy, but I love watching it

He never thought he’d be president. He never even wanted to be president. He wanted to lose and start his new TV company. Mike Pence is gonna be the man running this thing just like Cheney did, and we will all be worse off for it. At least Cheney really only cared about money, Pence is a freaking ideological lunatic.

That is the look of a 70 year old man who just got his first job with actual responsibilities and accountability.

Obama is sitting next to a White Nationalist, underneath a picture of a man who owned hundreds of slaves, in a house that was built by slaves. That White Nationalist is about to take his job as President. And Obama has to smile.

That is the face of a man who did not see this coming.

Fuck this country for making Obama sit next to that orange piece of shit.

He does not look comfortable or happy.

This comment and others like it is has been hilarious based on the fact the president-elects entire schtick was attacking other peoples cultures and views. Thats why people liked him.


Whew, boy! One thing I’ve learned from the internet is how much white people hate to be called racist. Boy, y’all (I’m assuming you’re white, Sean Brody) really hate that shit, huh? Your response to this well-written commentary is “stop making me feel racist and maybe then I’d tell you why I decided to vote for the

Have you guys ever watched the BBC? News is for NEWS!

White people do not get a pass. 50% of this country did not vote. You don’t get to blame the small percentage of people of color for this - they voted, overwhelmingly, for Hillary. Black women specificaly voted for Hillary in the 90th percentile.

I did too, but I’m still going to get to work.

It’s worth noting that the wider the popular vote margin the harder it is to declare that Trump has a mandate and the harder it is to defend the electoral college if there ever comes a push to abolish it. Also, I wonder how many people in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin thought they were in safe states.

My coworker’s daughter is out protesting in Seattle. The girl voted for Stein. She should be home hanging her head in shame.

Great. Thanks for all the millennial enthusiasm after the buzzer. I’ll think about how great these protests were after Roe v. Wade is overturned and I lose the right to healthcare with my pre-existing condition.

I can tell you right now he’s probably already invited Obama and Biden over to golf.

Fuck you.

Well seeing that weed was originally was outlawed as a way to control and deport Mexican immigrants in Texas in the 1900s and then later in 1930 because they said it (sic) “Marijuana’s ability to cause men of color to become violent and solicit sex from white women”. shows that it was a racist law.