
I used to compulsively pick scabs on my scalp, it was definitely a anxiety relief thing. Don’t do it anymore more, but I am a PICKER through and through. My fiancé gets the mose INSANE ingrown hairs on his stomache, but he’s a whiney baby and hardly ever lets me free them from their skin prison.

I read this approximately 15 minutes after picking off a scab on my shin, causing a torrent of blood to flow down onto my foot. I am glad my office has a door, a box of Kleenex and Neosporin. I have dermotillomania — have since as far back as I can remember — and cannot resist picking at anything. The desire isn’t

Nothing beats when you capture a large piece of dead skin without drawing blood. Then you look at it and smile and realize you just won. That’s what skin picking is all about.

I love this: 20-4 in the last 4 years against a division who went a combined 60-128. They were 21-19 against everyone else.

This is bad. Heroin is everywhere. I am struggling to stay away from it everyday. I have overdosed, once not that long ago, and it has ruined so much of my life, and still I crave it. I wouldn't wish addiction on my worst enemy and my only hope is I gather the strength to stay away from it. I started using when I was

The most baffling part about the Manziel videos, especially with his “videos can be old” defense, is that the elements in the video narrow down the possible date pretty quickly. He’s fucking dabbing and listening to Future. In the next one, he’s probably going to be toting a Grey Goose bottle while talking about where

Unless you’re a buxom blond or a stripper wearing a viagra bikini, I wouldn’t worry about Jerry coming at all.

It could be much worse than you suspect. He may have about 500 pages worth of sumptuous banquets, elaborate silken brocades, repeated character tics, travel scenes, and florid equivocation, all sprouting adjectives like one of those mushroom farms that comes in a box, without even a single plot point worth mentioning.

“the dab is dead. It has been dead for a month. These are zombie dabs”

It’s a classic example of a hackneyed joke. It’s one of those dumb gags that made its way into every standup routine every hack did at the Improv in the late 80s, and sometime in the mid 90s a lot of comedians who are now creepy old men themselves (like Seinfeld) but were young Turks back then would use it as an

I totally agree. I sew as a hobby and make dresses for my daughter and fabric is not cheap! I could buy a dress for $10 and call it a day but I enjoy sewing and creating. I started having kids before “fast fashion” was thing and yes, clothing was expensive so we just had less clothing. Kids have always grown fast.

That said, imagine if [say] the Patriots get screwed in the playoffs on a bad call, and everyone knows Dean Blandino was in the referee’s ear. We will never, ever hear the end of it.

Great read. Thank you for caring about the plight of the Cambodian people. No one really gives a fuck what happens to us since we’re a tiny country that is only known for dominating doughnuts in Los Angeles. Our industry isn’t as developed as our other South-East Asian brethren, so we haven’t made as much of an impact

You literally can not make clothing for anywhere near the same price as you can buy it. The economies of scale just don’t match up, even if you just count supplies and consider your time “free.”

One of the most cringeworthy things I have ever seen in my life was Drake rapping along side Jay Pharoah on SNL. A comedian had infinitely better flow than the most mind bogglingly overrated musician since Steven Tyler.

I'm not sure why you're confused, but I'll try to clarify.

Nearly all of my friends are middle to upper middle-class, professional, progressive people, so you may have a point. My husband is white, and he is from a shitty, shitastic area. He is not like this. His friends that are from a similar background aren't like this. You could call them out if they said something

Thanks so much for illustrating for everyone exactly the sort of bullshit pseudo-ally behavior both the original post and chitlins are talking about. It only took you three comments to get to, in effect, "You're the real racist." God forbid you should shut up and listen to the experience of black people, instead of

Racism is a problem. I won't deny that. But even the thought of cutting all of the white people out of your life seems pretty extreme when you're talking about your husband and friends.