How many people called in to complain about Johnny Manziel's attempt to quarterback? I found that much more offensive.
How many people called in to complain about Johnny Manziel's attempt to quarterback? I found that much more offensive.
I love that there are people in America who actually think that there's a single 10 year old in the country who doesn't already know the word "fuck."
The only thing I want for Christmas is something I personally know isn't possible: full legalization of marijuana (sales/possession/growing) in New York State on January 1st, 2015, and one of those pretty golden vape pens in the New York Times gift guide.
Hey, that's unfair. There was also Opie's beard.
Your doing the Lord's work, Sister Crosley. Well done.
i honestly can't breathe right now
Being half Black and half white, (however, make no mistake, I'm never identified as white when I'm walking down the street,) and I think one of the things that most contributes to the general distrust between POC and Caucasians is the fear that whenever someone tries to do something right they'll be perceived as doing…
Have you read Michael Lewis's book? The story is more complex than the movie indicates and there is zero reason to think that when the Tuohys brought Oher into their home that he was going to be a scholarship athlete, let alone an NFL player. The Tuohys have money and a certain degree of local notoriety and it…
Yeah I thought it was a nice gesture in a suburban mom kind of way.
I agree with the cops here. There are absolutely no laws (at least that I'm aware of) that allow freedom of speech in this country. I mean, the entire reason this nation was founded was because we wanted those in authority to act without discretion or be subjected to the views of the people. I'm like 87% sure on this
If we're all supposed to honor and respect you for being big strong men willing to take a bullet to enforce the law and protect the public, maybe you shouldn't undercut that by being hysterically overreactive crybabies about the slightest implication that maybe somebody in your ranks is doing a shitty job?
Cops are their own worst advocates.
Seriously? I think it's one of the best things that could have happened to Luck. Folks that actually like football can enjoy him in peace, and he's free of the desperately annoying and distracting madness that being a media darling makes inescapable. If you actually appreciate Luck, you should be doing your best to…
You literally answered your own question.
I demand a public apology from ESPN for working the public up into a frenzy over this fraud of a quarterback—and human being. Seriously, ESPN talks more about Johnny Douchebag in the first five minutes of any SportsCenter than they have talked about Andrew Luck this entire season.
what, are you trying to break jezebel?
I'm 5 months pregnant with number two. I work full-time and my nerves are shot to hell most of the time and I have no energy. I also have no sex drive whatsoever (many pregnant women get more horny, so ymmv).
I would have to image that her numerous trips to the emergency room would indicate she has no insurance or access to regular care. An ER is the one place they will take you without proof of insurance. Or, it's possible someone else is paying for her care. Even though she claims she's not in regular contact with her…