
This is such a wonderful and thoughtful post and I’ve been mulling this over for a couple of days and it got me thinking about Plastique Tiara’s perspective on American LGBTQ culture. First let me be clear all the home-grown American queens have no excuse not to have done their homework on Mariah and being wishy

Before Kobe’s trial he bought his wife a giant fucking “sorry I raped” diamond ring and tabloids and magazines reframed it as a “sorry I cheated” ring. They kvelled over the size of the diamond and her willingness to forgive him for his ‘indiscretion’ and make public appearances with her blood-diamond-twice-over

Jackson’s ‘look’ is incredibly popular on daytime court TV shows like Judge Judy and People’s Court where Bubbas have to answer for damaging rental homes or letting their dogs bite people. I’m assuming the producers unwrap these $9 JoS. A. Bank napkins and hand them out back stage after coaxing the Ben McAdoo

Well, now I had to check out the website of Rory Dobner and the man loves him some twee alliteration. I thought the “U”nicorn was a tepid but not terrible pun and wondered if he also went with “A”pe or “C” Monkeys but nope, he’s got “Cheeky Chameleon Clutching Cherry Cupcake” and “Fish On A Fag Break.” But “Skeleton

Colleges welcome being bribed by the rich to take their kids.  Colleges do not welcome the rich bribing their employees and not giving them a cut. 

Yes, Scarlet was the best example I’ve seen in a long time of turning lemons into sparkling lemonade. She didn’t pout or try to sabotage her team - she actually fully committed to her character and like Ross said she tried to give you something new with every line delivery. She also listened to her team members, as in

I’m going to make a case for football having a great casual stance if you move away from the linemen and pay attention to the safeties and corners. When they rest between plays they are still bent forward at a 45 degree angle with their hands gripping right above their knees. Try to hold that for even 30 seconds and

Yeah, I had one outstanding server like that make my day. I’d ordered a side of beef hash to go with the rest of my breakfast and it turned out it was beef rib meat and the texture put me off when I was expecting more of a corn beef hash. Next time the waitress came by I ordered just regular home fries and she

I agree with just about everything you said! A little of Silky goes a long way and unfortunately for their werkroom there is a lot of Silky... When she’s not being totally EXTRA I do think she has a fun and witty personality but she was chewing the scenery like it was a cheesecake about to expire. I do love that a

I’m glad they got the critter free when they did but I was dying to hear Elon Musk’s take on how he’d rescue it. 

I don’t think white people are only curious about Black hair because I’m Chinese and it happens to me all the time. I have ‘typical’ Asian hair: long, black, thick and straight and shiny as a sheet of glass. Usually, I’m the only Asian at a workplace or social gathering and white ladies (and one Black lady co-worker)

There is a series on YouTube done by a Steelers fan on all the drama this season called Days of Our Steelers. He refers to Roethlisberger as: Captain Fat Fuck, Leader of Men. But that leaves out his full accomplishments thus: Captain Fat Fuck, Leader of Men, First of his Rape, House of Graydick, Warden of Pennsyltucky

Patti also wants you to know “God has a plan for everyone”- unless her kid didn’t get into their first choice college, then she’ll tell you that was because of reverse racism.

My mom worked with the victims of sex trafficking for decades and she learned to compartmentalize to do her job well and she’s just a very fucking strong woman to begin with. Soft spoken, respectful, methodical, relentless. Focus on if the furniture or decor in the videos/pics can give any clue to where it was taken.

Yeah, I’ve been told before that people find it odd that I don’t listen to music voluntarily. I don’t own any music or put it on at home or in the car and hearing a song doesn’t make me feel anything. People have tried to explain music to me and play stuff for me and tell me how it makes them feel but I just don’t get

+1 negging, sorry if I’m being too cerebral for you! 

I don’t like music and never did but still listened to the occasional album if a well meaning classmate gave me a bootleg tape of one. Naturally I liked My World because I thought it was deep edgelord spoken word poetry and listened to Use Your Illusion II a couple of times but that song over and over. I had no idea

He also owns like 150 Five Guys, pre-IPO Google stock and thousands of investment properties. It’s like that old Chris Rock bit flipped on its head: “Shaq is rich but the guy who signs his checks is wealthy.”  Shaq has more money then god now. 

The meta-joke of Ocean’s 11 is that Brad Pitt would be the anonymous one in the initial poker game. The meta-joke of Ocean’s 12 is Julia Roberts playing herself. But the far FAR better better meta-joke in Ocean’s 8 is that Rihanna wouldn’t be the most famous person in the room at the Met Gala.

Yeah, plus what they are doing is HARD. Just because you have an ass doesn’t mean you can twerk. Just because you can twerk doesn’t mean you can do it like THAT.