
Nantz is still making sacrificial offerings to whatever dark yet benevolent god took Simms out of the booth and gifted him with Romo. Their first few games Nantz was just giddy at the stuff Romo said and now Nantz is perfectly happy to let Tony do this thing and handle all the bullshit CBS promotional shit. Romo can’t

I taught one semester of middle-school as a “special course,” meaning they only came to me 3 days a week for a few hours and my class had a surgically deep focus. Yes, they were a HANDFUL and a half and middle-school teachers are saints, full stop. I don’t have thick skin, I couldn’t do that more than once. The

Let’s see... testy and defensive with no personal charisma and a resume full of failure. New York media is going to FEAST on him. Let’s hope Drew’s Large Adult Son Sam Darnold lights it up this year or Jets fans will be pining for the testy and defensive media stylings of Todd Bowles.

I’ve heard assholes say this shutdown is good because it is “starving the Deep State.” And also one particularly virulent fucktard pundit say that he didn’t even notice the government shutdown and probably would be months before he did notice so what exactly is he paying taxes for anyway?

I’ve never had a Steak-umm but the way the meat is prepared sounds a lot like Arby’s. And I’ve eaten a lot of room temperature Arby’s aged in a locker during the school day. My parents were big on health food and raised us without dairy (which must have been exhausting in the 1980's) so every now and again they would

Miles would die. I remember there was a Texans playoff game with Hoyer QBing a putrid offense along with Alfred Blue, who at the time was graded as the worst RB in the league. And in pure desperation Bill O’Brian put JJ Watt in as a running back and we all know Watt eats leopards and pine trees for breakfast because

Identifying with a victim’s situation, social-location and/or trauma makes women feel so incredibly vulnerable that they start building walls immediately instead of empathizing. “That couldn’t be me because of ___” is easier to stomach then “There but for the grace of God go I.” I see a parallel in dudes who are like,

I loved Good Hair and I never considered that the movie’s perspective pathologized the beauty choices of Black women in they way they approach their hair.  That’s interesting, thank you for sharing.  

Me too. Very worried. His Twitter went dark too. But unlike others, I don’t feel like I’m owed an update from Deadspin. Like Logan Ryan said after his season ended with a leg injury and the first the public knew about it was when he tweeted, “I believe the player should break his own news about his body.” Happy

That didn’t age well. I hope that Leslie Jones takes a moment away from counting her considerable movie, TV and endorsement money while lounging around in her custom Christian Siriano gown to scream with laughter at the state of this fascist little fuck boi’s life. 

I’m going to use overused cheese flavor terms to describe delicious Manchego but I find them accurate.
Nutty: yes, nutty flavor but the semi-hard cheese has the toothsome texture of biting into a meaty walnut. Firm, slightly crumbly and a little oily depending on how long it’s aged.
(Flavor) crystals: older Manchegos

Drew, this has to be the most wholesome music video you’ve ever featured.

My mom is Chinese. (As am I.) She was visiting Ohio on business and decided to catch a college football game because she’d never been to one before. Said it was a very eerie that she didn’t see a single other minority the whole time she was in the stadium among tens of thousands of other people. 

I’d like to give a shout out to The Upside-Down Sinners under Karazhan in World of Warcraft. WoW isn’t a creepy game and even when the game tries to create moments of gravitas, it is easily undermined by the massively multiplayer part. The game wants you to quietly morn the final resting place of a noble Paladin

Yeah, think differentiating between horror and torture porn is key even tho it obviously it means different things to different people. My best friend thinks torture porn is silly and smirks her way through Saw, Human Centipede, Ichi the Killer and House of 1000 Corpses. I think J-horror is pretty bloodless compared

Thank you!! I’ve heard it floated that Carr’s agent put this out there to try and get him off the Raiders but I find it much more plausible that Gruden, who has oodles of media contacts, is purposely driving a wedge to get Carr (and his giant contract) off the Raiders. Gruden luuuurrves raw QBs because he has a huge

Right?! He was so twee and self-consciously folksy but at least he allowed himself to be a befuddled once in awhile and not just a rancid take machine. The Breer breed of sports writers is a bizarre lot. They have to be prescient stat-nerds. They are allergic to expressing ambiguity so aim for The One Take To Rule

So here in Cali we do some legislation by Proposition which is a bad idea because not only is each ballot a clusterfuck of misleading questions, our political spots are especially insane as interest groups from both sides run fear based attack ads. Conservatives would have you believe Nancy Pelosi is the Devil and

Also: what is going on with his mouth? Maybe the ‘shop tweaked the contrast but he has no upper lip left at all. His upper teeth look like a denture with both fronts missing just dislodged from the roof of his mouth. Or worse, that he’s got a SECOND mouth trying to get out of his first mouth Aliens style. 

If the Vikings game was slightly less appalling, the Pats could have taken the spot this week. Detroit has not had a 100 yard rusher since Reggie Bush on Thanksgiving 2013, but the Pats let rookie Kerryon Johnson run all over them for 101 yards. Belichick was out coached by his former defensive coordinator whom Pats