Ruthless, if you let me

However, it is a truth said after one of his many many lies. There are a great many examples to pull from, where this is the punch line. I submitted this suggestion based on the Littlefinger/Baelish example.

100% true. Fezzes are cool.

No Doctor Who? Rule #1, the Doctor always lies.

Head is on the left.

How do we determine a robot's mammal-ness?

Oooh. Excellent! Thank you so much for the link!

Covers like this make me want to buy the actual book, as opposed to an e-book version.

I don't actually. I don't remember any of the songs from the movie.

I... I think I recall seeing the original Space Jam in theatres. ...Why are you looking at me like that? MY GRANDMA TOOK MY SISTER AND I TO IT OKAY?

I haven't seen the show, but I'm around on tumblr enough to support the Bruce/Diana pairing.

Don't accept any dinner invitations after giving them the book as a gift.

Going to the linked article in the related section, it looks like it is from Shutterstock.

Coolest, however the most impossible: Magical relocation of the rings so that they surrounded Earth. http://io9.com/5931098/using-the-roche-limit-to-put-a-ring-around-earth :D

Woah. That hard cover looks great! Did you have any role in the design of the hardcover and deluxe versions?

All the way to the old stuff? I've seen some of the 4th Doctor, and a couple other episodes here and there. I will get around to seeing it all eventually.

First 10 minutes of Doctor Who, 11th Hour. It was my intro to the series, even though I quickly went back to Eccleston and caught up.

Ah, but was GoT predicated on your previously having read the books?

I still like her better with Batman, but I hardly follow DC at all.

I imagine Curiosity saying, "Hey check me out, I'm dancing! I'm dancing!"