Ruthless, if you let me

I converted and it kept everything: avatar/account name/comment history/etc. No one should be able to see your comments here on FB, and it shouldn't let people here see your FB info. (No one can see my twitter info here, so I am working on that info.)

Colloquially, a dog ages at 7 times the rate of a human. So this would translate out to at least 7 years I imagine.

Doing it once does it for all the sites. Logging in once logs you in across the sites as well.

This guy has no complaints.

I think they have, which is why they are choosing BE as a worse movie.

Perhaps good for "10 best unspoken retorts"?

Well, that's soberingly true. Even though a big blue box doesn't look out of place...

I'd love to see Madame Vastra as a companion.


Whenever I read "David Attenborough," I always picture Richard Attenborough. Jurassic Park has ruined me.

Living in LA, I'm also glad that they seem to have someone that is at least familiar with LA geography tweeting the account. Solid job all around so far.

Meer's work has been getting better though. Hale was worlds better in ME1, but Meer was did an okay job in ME2, and the later DLC. As far as the demo showed, Meer seems to have gotten better in ME3 too.

So am I; but I also live in LA.

MSB was obviously a prequel. :P

Reference that she is a Canadian citizen somehow? :P

I wasn't trying to hate on it at all. I just don't think it has been very good of late.

Well, this is true.

It's true. Last year was somewhat of a slog. This year is a little better... it's a bit too srs bzns lately.

No way. Ted is the worst on HIMYM.