Ruthless, if you let me

Ditto, on both parts.

Anansi appeared in American Gods, IIRC.

When I was reading it I also pictured Dwayne Johnson / Vin Diesel type as Shadow.

You are thinking of Sergeant Hatred. :P

I just wear my sunglasses on planes.


Animals and their parts are delicious.

I'm thinking there should be a whole post about Team HQ diagrams.

Ah. Well, that makes sense then. I couldn't click through to the linked article while at work.


Batwing has a tough job: Batman only patrols Gotham. Batwing patrols a whole continent.

Well. I am sure my parents are wrong on just about everything.

No. The dry eye was the real reason he was irate.

Both of you need to chill out. It's only Monday.

Both of you need to chill out. It's only Monday.

If the past is any indication, the io9 review will itself be worlds better than the film. ;)

It's fair for that team.

So I was doing science when I was 8 years old?

Don't worry. I feared ET as well.

Excellent! I didn't know it destroyed Despayre.