
“also idolize the Joker character, the violent clown from the Batman series, admiring his depiction as a man who must pretend to be happy, but eventually fights back against bullies.”

Orphan remains my greatest moviegoing experience. It was just a so-so thriller, but at the big reveal a tween/early-teen girl sitting down the row from us stood up and shouted ESTHER GOT TITTIES at the top of her lungs. It was incredible and probably the hardest I’ve ever laughed in public.

I’ve been saying the same thing about videotaping people at night through their windows.  

I hear there’s going to be a special extended edition on Amazon Primate.

biden is losing his mind, friend. you’re going to have to deal with it eventually.

Ehhh. I’m a Castro fan, and this bothered me not one bit. I mean, I heard it very clearly: Biden contradicted himself, and on a very important point, too.

LMFAO get the fuck outta here with this trash

Etiquette can be important, but most people who cling to it do so because they don’t want others pointing out things that are outdated and problematic, like Joe Biden.

Nobody: “Hillary please, but male this time, and with dementia.”

Warren/Castro has been my dream ticket since the first debate.

Holy Rudyard Kipling!

If indeed you live a open dubious neighborhood may I suggest having your packages delivered to your work site.

So... a movie about the battle of Midway that does not feature (at least by the looks of the trailer) a speaking role for a single Japanese person? One of the things I really liked about the 1976 Midway was that it tried to give us some idea of what was going on with the Japanese command during the battle. That film

Sounds like it’s an homage to Colonel Klink. Werner Klemperer was a survivor of Auschwitz, and only took the roll on the condition that the Nazis be made as ridiculously incompetent as possible. Taiki himself is of Jewish heritage.

he even puts on the kid gloves with the Nazis, depicting them mostly as incompetent goofballs or neurotic drones—no more detestable, really, than Colonel Klink”

“Take away the jokes and Airplane! is just another basic, unoriginal disaster movie.”

Alien will always be better than Aliens.

I don’t like that kind of up-your-own-ass acting, but I also think that i09 is going to do whatever it can to make this movie seem like a disaster because it’s just not OMG JOYFUL SILLY ENOUGH for a comic book movie.

Gonna set the room on fire with this flaming hot take: I’m looking forward to seeing this movie because it looks good and interesting and I like good and interesting movies. The actors seem like they put in good performances, and I like all those actors based upon their previous work. I bet it looks good, and probably