
Sadly, as all creatives know, you can't control how other people consume your art. Jonze, as a very rich and successful person with lots of amazing movies under his belt, should probably understand that by now.

She spent four years in prison and lives with what happened—both the murder of her roommate and her senseless persecution by the Italian legal system—daily. You, on the other hand, and anyone judging her from televised interviews amounting to an infinitesimal fraction of her ongoing ordeal—which includes those very

I'm from Washington State. Didn't know it was a "mutual combat" state or that there was even such a thing. Weird.

Characters do dumb shit all the time. Humans are fallable. Read actual scientific history and rejoice in the idiocy, policy and accidents that propel civilization forward.

That's funny, because I wasn't criticizing the movie for having fallible characters, I was criticizing it for having stupid characters doing stupid things at the behest of a stupid script, and I was pretty clear about that. That puts your closing remark to me in the position effectively of arguing that scientific

That's cute. You didn't even read what I wrote.

Absurd. Privileging of nicity as so rigid a category flirts with racism. Islam varies from culture to culture, even within a given culture (depending on your analysis), just as it serves as a guiding force for the cultures that practice it, because it is itself, in all its expressions, a product of and influence upon

But why does having something as broadly conceived as race (or culture) in common give you the license to offer critique, while difference on the same broad terms forecloses on it? If you're coming from a place of critique (of other white people, of course!), whatever commonalities the shared category represents to

Religion is a cultural item.

Have you considered: Zimmerman's past

Get it? She's calling him a girl. On her period. Because girls are weak.

Or it points to his doing something beautiful often and in a myriad of contexts and that might have been the motivation to have the camera running here. It may be true they'd had vegetarian-related convos before, but I doubt a mother with pre-established compunctions against serving/eating meat would prepare some

That review further confirm that anything with Lindelof's name attached to it should be avoided outright.

And Houston was playing better-than-regular-season defense on him, esp. on the perimeter. The way they were glued to him sometimes would have been instantly whistled in the regular season (or any time against LeBron or the Wade of seasons past). I think the struggles were mainly team- and coaching-oriented. Here you

I dunno. 35.5 pts (.534%), 9.25 rbds, and 5.75 asts (his average in the four Houston games without Westbrook) doesn't quite look like "struggling" to me.

That is some bullshit. Like they can't keep it under observation for a fairly brief time (because doesn't it manifest quickly?) to make sure it's not rabid. And is rabies spread merely by contact? I bet that fireman will be so relieved to find out he doesn't need shots.


That's frustrating. Google the poem. There are some mid-line gaps making better sense of the syntax that didn't take in the posting.

The Sheep Child

Farm boys wild to couple
With anything with soft-wooded trees
With mounds of earth mounds
Of pine straw will keep themselves off
Animals by legends of their own:
In the hay-tunnel dark
And dung of barns, they will
Say I have heard tell

That in a museum