

No vocal mimicry you say?

He's great in The Believer, Half Nelson, and Blue Valentine, and works a minor miracle in Lars and the Real Girl, which didn't work, but without him would have been as bad as I can only believe it must have been on paper.

I dunno. Girl telling boy not to be such a girl sounds like irony maybe?


You're making an ass of yourself and being nasty while doing it. Punishment happens during sentencing, which happens after the trial, and only if in the course of that trial guilt has been proven. There is no presumption of innocence in the sentencing stage because, with innocence having been disproved in the trial

No, "innocent until proven guilty" pretty clearly refers to trials, you know, where the proving of guilt happens or not. Why would a court punish and sentence someone presumed to be innocent? Do you think about anything ever? I see you've already been hipped to an important distinction already, but will note further

There's a presumption of innocence. Being found not guilty means your status remains unchanged: innocent.

Don't knock it. Could be right up your alley.

You know that "looking for" and "noticing" aren't necessarily the same thing, right? Of course you do.

Gortat's response was great:

I appreciated their linking to this:

I need to re-watch the Turin Horse (gulp); I've seen most all of Tarr's films (I think), love some of them, and once watched Satantango (7.5 hr running time) in a single sitting (with standing and stretching), and liked it fine, but Turin Horse was the penitential slog for me that those weren't. Oh, the potatoes.

I just find it eye-rolling that they or their computer would have had the grounds to hypothesize about the signal either way—apart from its being broadcast from a derelict. It's a signal: it could be an SoS, a warning, a jingle for some new alien product, whatever. Without any reference points, which would be their

Yes, all lapses, though, within the realm of plausibility. We don't roll our eyes them, and I don't think anything they do can be flatly called stupid outside of the breaking of quarantine—which is what they were knowingly doing: breaking quarantine protocol. It's not that they didn't know, it's that they were freaked

Except "born that way" arguably does in fact hand them the ammo they need, on exactly their terms. They claim it's against the natural order of things; "born that way" claims that, to the contrary, it is, which is to concede to their fallacious notion that naturalness decides rightness. Whether something is natural or

No, really, for fuck's sake. Quite making excuses. I'm not splitting hairs: stupid characters, action, and writing abound. We don't need to know any more about the geologist and he wasn't forthcoming, because listen, man, he's only in it for the money. AND HE LOVES ROCKS! He IS his motives, man. Far out, right? We

Ripley likes cats. Maybe some people can identify that, and maybe the irrationality of that is at once a show of the bravery-through-compassion that character is known for, if not in part an unpredictable response to the danger of the situation. Because going back for Newt wasn't so intelligent either, far less so,

That is some bullshit.