
I just love the steering wheel!

Neighbors to the left are roughly my age (mid 30s) and have two small children. I never see them outside, walking, playing, anything. They are weird.

‘92 Dodge Shadow ES was my first car. I loved it and still recall it fondly (though I had nothing to compare it to)! I had the white version and I think the look holds up.

24 pancakes in one sitting when I was a teenager. Not the silver dollar kind - these were big flapjacks. Twenty some years later, about all I can handle is three.

Only driven once: Lansing to Dayton to buy a used Buick. I usually have them shipped.


Looks like that male stewardess has a case of “short man syndrome”.

Immigrants improve Metro Detroit in so many ways!

Beautiful...except for that plastic-looking bullshit around the fenders.

They sold 229,631 cars in the USA last year. 

Buy one for your wife too!

Eldest son Ronald would prefer crack and a prostitute in lieu of cash.

That’s pretty much how it’s working for the Ilitch clan in Detroit...

Can’t wait until some Creighton spokesman uses the “but we’re a Jesuit/Roman Catholic institution, all our athletes are good kids” line like those fucks at Baylor.

The best life is when you own a brougham AND a wagon.

With each passing motorist, the whole thing would sway and rock from side to side as the brick-like aerodynamics sought to throw it off the road. A stiff crosswind led to a fight with the cock-eyed steering wheel as it tried to writhe out of my hands.

This is an outstanding show! Give it a shot if you haven’t seen it. The episodes really grow from each other, so if the first episode doesn’t click for you, just keep watching.