
“You have to dress in a certain way, you have to perform in a certain way and within certain rules.”

Dear Sooners,

The whole “Bret Somers from Match Game glasses” look is the worst.

“We’ve gotta test their garages for motorbikes! And we should also test their ATM cards, just to make sure...they are spending wisely? Yeah, that’s it.”

What got me was they showed the woman’s beam last night near the end, even though we knew the outcome ten hours before. They could have moved that up, but hey, NBC just *has* to show Wheel of Fortune at 7:00.

Right Said Fred noooooooooo!

Good news is the water temperature should be in the 70s. No excuse not to jump in and help rescue old Michiganders!

“a hard teaching.”

I judge everyone by what kind of car they drive. Especially if it’s a foreign car (I know, I know).

Having these cams integrated makes so much sense. I don’t have a dashcam because I don’t want to dick around with it and screw up the ambiance of the interior. Hopefully the Lincoln Continental swipes this...

Now playing

From 1985 - his voice is totally different.

It’s not rape, it’s interpersonal violence. Great. Sounds less rapey.

Love these. I remember back when Gulf War I started, Time magazine did one of these charts and included/compared what the Iraqis had (missiles too). I taped it to my desk and would study it often!

What a horrible experience. It literally makes me call into question some of the weird women who’ve reached out to me on dating sites. Regular old first dates are bad enough, especially if they fall flat, but this...I cannot imagine!

Dorm cafeterias.

“I never thought that somebody would compare me to, you know, like a president or whatever he was before he started running for president or anything. I mean, I’m still kinda shocked and amazed about it but God does what he wants to do,”

Cruz launched into a terse response, ending with “If you lose, don’t cry about it, learn how to win an election!”

These guys are blatantly showing up our announcers and are too emotional. That’s an unwritten rules violation.