That's my video! Glad you liked it - this is exactly why I put these on YouTube!
That's my video! Glad you liked it - this is exactly why I put these on YouTube!
Steering wheels are too thick nowadays. I tell people this and they give me an odd look. Sounds crazy but sometimes my hands hurt after driving a new Ford or something for hours at a time. Give me a skinny, thin wheel from the 70's please!
Is that an '83?
Sorry, but she's going to have to come up with a whimsical idiot nickname before I can take her seriously.
"The trip consisted of the (charter) bus driver allowing the music to play very loudly, dancing in the aisles, strobe lights flashing iPhones to reflect the club-like atmosphere,"
I'll take King Cobra every time. Cold, malt liquor satisfaction.
Never trust Google Maps when it comes to dirt roads.
Just bring back the Monchhichis.
Third string QB wears a headset. The head coach refuses to.
Hasenpfeffer is delicious and I'd make it more often, but the place I buy rabbit from doesn't break them down, they just sell them whole (skinned). To be honest, they look like hairless cats.