
Exactly. Too much cost, not enough bang. Gimmie the four Ohio SSGNs any day of the week. 600+ TLAMs will ruin anyone’s day. 

Was that REALLY Hulk?

The Ohio class, and especially the Trident-II, really significantly changed the deterrence game. For the first time, you had SLBMs that could achieve pinpoint accuracy from a mobile submerged platform. With their ability to conduct depressed-trajectory attacks that would rain down highly-accurate warheads with as

Excellent summary.

This is a REALLY stupid and shortsighted decision because we don’t have any place to forward deploy these weapons. NATO sure as fuck isn’t going to let us deploy them in Europe and South Korea and Japan REALLY sure as fuck won’t let us deploy them there, so where would we put them?

This seems an ideal application for a pebble-bed nuclear reactor.

You mean the states that have good roads, good schools, better health care, higher life expectancy, and contribute more to the federal government than the Red states that are producing ignorant, unhealthy leeches on the body politic?

Wait, what?


Two of them... Well actually three...

You bet your ass there’s a rush... They need to have him confirmed because this is, under their own doctrine, the last chance they are getting. If the GOP loses Congress, they are fucked in terms of getting any more judges through...

Its GOTTA be KellyAnne. 

The Soviet Union was NEVER going to hit us in a “Bolt From the Blue” attack, especially after the Cuban Missile crisis.
Stalin and (pre-1962) Kruschev DID believe in the expansion of Soviet-style communism, but not because it was the wave of the future. They believed in it because they wanted to ensure that no one

I can speak to the cheering part. I live near a major Regional HQ for the EPA, and my neighbor is a senior person (non-political appointee) at that Regional office. So senior that he had to have his picture taken with Pruitt and we all gave him shit about it.
We were sitting at the pool (it was his CWS day) when the

Go fuck yourself? Is that the correct sentiment for this right now? I think it may be...

Go fuck yourself.

This is why we can’t have nice things, people.
Rian Johnson and Lucasfilm owe lifelong fans NOTHING! You got the movies you wanted 40 years ago. If you don’t like the new ones, fuck off!

Also, it’s been a tradition that the most recent ex-President step out of the limelight for at least the first term of his successor. Professional courtesy. And we know that Obama values norms and traditions of the office to which he was elected. Overwhelmingly. Twice.

Alas, these are not normal times, we stand on the

I will bet good money that’s the number to his government issued cell phone, which of course is paid for by taxpayers, and that makes the number public domain.

Quantity has a quality all its own.

Why not dredge this thing back up... it seems like it might fit the bill: