
Banana in the tailpipe?

This isn’t a huge deal, but trading in my 1996 Ford Contour LX for a 2004 Chevy Malibu. The Contour was loaded, with the V6 shoehorned into the engine well and a 5-speed manual tranny, and more importantly PAID FOR. It was reliable as hell, never game me a day of trouble, and still looked newish.

1983 Mustang GT. I was in Jr. High when this car started filtering down to my small town high school. Holy shit, I loved this car.

That was Mitch Holthus, the radio guy for the Chiefs Radio network, whose voice cracked...

You had this article written as soon as the Steelers cut him, right?

Claire North is freaking incredible. If you haven’t read “The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August” or “The Sudden Appearance of Hope” then you need to run and get them, now.
Anything by Charlie Jane Anders is DEFINITELY worthy of your time.

Just like I used to tell my college students.

Tyler is a Klingon, right? I mean come ON...

Nope, they call it fake news, or they think that family is anti-Trump and so deserve the attacks.
One of the problems with extremists (especially of the tea-party Ayn Rand Objectivist assholes) is that they will justify any action as long as it conforms to or preserves their world view.

It’s extremely dangerous and is

Bingo, exactly this. I’ve been shouting this on Twitter ever since Paul Fucking Ryan tweeted that. It has the benefit of being 100% true for the EXACT reason you just posted. You give Donald Trump a 100 million dollar tax break, that’s 25,000 families who you can screw out of ANYTHING and still make the average you’re

They aren’t irrelevant, because they’ve allowed the GOP to get and keep power for the last 20 years. They aren’t irrelevant because they vote. Like we should have last year.

Fuck Jill Stein.

The burgers are okay, but the fries are the worst I’ve ever had from a restaurant. Waxy, flavorless, and UNDERCOOKED! Jesus, just keep them in the fryer for another minute and put some salt on them.
Five Guys are my favorite, but they owe almost everything to the fries at Arthur Bryant’s BBQ in Kansas City. The epitome

You’re absolutely right. Mueller is going to get ONE shot at this. He needs to present his finding to McConnell and Ryan in a way that makes the case such a stone-cold lock that NOT moving to impeachment will be seen as a suicide move for the GOP.

Hey, “Par Avion” is OBVIOUSLY the best Mike & The Mechanics song, although “All I need is a Miracle” is pretty damn good.

Question: Is it true that Kap has been offered backup positions, but he wants to start. Kevin Keitzman at Sports Radio 810 is convinced of this (plus his hot takes on the kneeling protests have been, um, a little on the conservative side). Kevin is saying that his refusal to sign as a backup completely invalidates the

What about what happens when the sex is good and then gets meh? I am married, have been for awhile, we have two kids. My wife gained weight, lost weight, then gained it back. I don’t care about the weight. Not at all, I still find her incredibly desirable and would have sex with her as much as possible. But she

I was visiting my friend in San Jose during spring break. The only weed I’d ever smoked was Missouri skunkweed out of a pipe. He hooked me up with some Humboldt green IN A BONG. Took three bong hits, got super fucked up. Later that weekend, I was at a party, in a circle, with three pipes and two bongs... I got all of

Where, pray tell, did that food you survived on come from? Did you wave a magic wand? No, it came from people who knew what they were doing providing it to you.

I absolutely have been in a disaster. I write disaster plans, I have been a Planning Branch chief for a FEMA IMAT (incident Management Assistance Team).

It’s what I do for a living.