I think your interests point to an architect or an industrial designer.
I think your interests point to an architect or an industrial designer.
I'm a 29-year-old introvert and I'm tired of pretending to enjoy clubs and other places with excessively loud music. Any suggestions on how to tell my friends this and not come off like I'm snubbing them? I really have no desire to meet anyone at 10 p.m. anywhere, I'd rather be home at that time :/.
Yes, because boys aren't socialized to think they should always want sex. THEY SO ALWAYS WANT IT. And if the point is moot maybe don't bring it up.
No, he's technically flawless. Many, many, many hours of practice and training.
#2) This disgusts me so much. If your friends continue to be friends with harrassing douchebag, they are signaling to HDB that he can harass with impunity; that there are no consequences for his behavior. THAT is what you need to communicate to them; not that it "hurts you," but that he has violated societal norms of…
The first scene from the next season of Orange is the New Black has come in like a wrecking ball. And how do things…
To be fair, she's missing the parts of her body that hurt the most when you're planking.
Awesome and very inspiring. I might be able to hold Dead Man's Pose for .... I don't know..... a long time. 8 hours. On a mattress.
Hey, everybody has parts of their body that are stronger than others, say a left or right side that is somehow a little less strong / asymmetrical. It's our body letting us know which side is stronger, for whatever reason, not our body telling us to judge ourselves! (Our mind loves doing that, I think our bodies are…
Wow. So should persons that have gentian herpes - through no fault of their own - also shoot themselves? Thanks for contributing to the stigma for people living with something that really isn't a big deal.
If my tinfoil hat involves questioning this study, and wanting to know what the data pool is, and correlation, then yes I am putting on my tin foil hat. Bias against people of color is real and I always question sources, no matter how "helpful", they may be.
According to this it was http://projectaccept.org/herpes-stigma-…
The thing that gets me is that, while the statistics may be true, they are always mentioned without qualification, context, or any meaningful purpose. If this were an article about examining why herpes is prevalent amongst black men and women, educating black readers, and exploring preventative measures, I could see…
I really, really, really hate that they said "black women/men are most likely to have it" Whether or not this is true, it's just so indicative of the amount of....(mostly) unconscious bias through the way those that are in power (in this case...mostly white people) phrase information.
Relax. She has every right to be skeptical of these studies. Medical science hasn't always been fair to black people and still isn't. Its definitely gotten better but there's no reason why we still shouldn't question it.
Only the government can censor. Only the government can censor. Only the government can censor. Only the government can censor. Only the government can censor.
Thank you for linking me to that article, great read. I guess I feel personally that there always seems to be a heavy bias towards black women having the worse of everything. I know you didn't conduct the studies here but I would like to know the range of selection of women within each race (all factors here income…
Um what the hell does black women are most likely to have herpes mean. Like the damn disease just choose black women and black men . I truly don't believe all the claims that black women are the highest in sexual diseases, or in other health problems like cancer and etc. And I don't believe this article either.