
Amen. I need the (few) classless assholes in my family to know that they well never, ever be allowed near my professional acquaintances. They damn well know why.

For everyone's sake, I hope there are no Sicilians in this story.

But others, how can I put it... some people you can't take the ghetto out of'

"I'll tell you where you can stick these two fingers!"

Gayle, is that you?

I can believe that Oprah can be a not so pleasant person but nothing is trashier than shit talking family members for personal gain, so Team Oprah on this one.

I think your crankiness just gets more focused and directed at specific things as you get older. It's not as diluted and socialized as much as when you are young. When you're young you've got opinions about everything.

Oh my god, this is really good to know. I think it definitely re-opened some old trauma that I had never really processed. A couple years ago someone was trying to break into my bedroom window in the middle of the night, but luckily they caught the guy and I was moving to a new city (and much safer apt) a week later

The marathon is tomorrow. The barricades are up, the crowds are out, and I — I who have spent the last 371 days jumping at every sound, crying for no reason, hiding under benches when helicopters are over head — I am fine. We went out and picked up supplies yesterday so we wouldn't have to be anywhere near Boylston

It takes a tremendous amount of training to remember those sort of details during a shooting. You shouldn't feel any sort of guilt. If I had to guess, you're probably suffering from post traumatic stress syndrome, which is a temporary condition. Speaking with a health professional who was familiar with PTSS really

You're not winning because you're not playing the same game. The only two long threads on this article were instigated by the same troll, which is exactly what he wants. If you want to show off your knowledge about matriarchal cultures and whatnot, why not start your own thread, dismiss the trolls, and have a real

Very interesting article, thanks for posting!

Science, huh? Yeah. Sure, honey. You tell yourself that.

As a PDX resident, I'll also add that I think all the residents should drink the pee water and shut up, since part of why this reservoir is still uncovered is that the RESIDENTS IN THE TONY EXPENSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD it is in the middle of have FOUGHT covering it (as is required by federal law) because it's SO PRETTY LIKE

... ... what does it say about me that I'm more disgusted by the city's decision to dump that much water than I am by the teen's decision to piss in it?

The short answer is the simplest, and the one that will get me the most shit on Deadspin: the patriarchy. Police departments are overwhelmingly male, and have been taught by a misogynist society from birth that their experiences are valid, but experiences that differ from their own are either suspicious or fictional.

Yup. Not sure how that happened. I blame Kinja.

You have replied to the wrong person.

This story ABSOLUTELY deserves to be told, and thank you for doing it. Thank you. Although I doubt FlowbeeBryant meant it this way, the question of "how many times can the same story be told" is a very important one. The dismissal of rape, the mishandling rape investigations, and the complicity of authorities in

It's weird to me that you see any of this as "baffling." Look at all of the colleges undergoing Title IX investigations right now for not investigating, or even covering up, sexual assault on campus — and that's not even when there's a star athlete involved. Look at the backlog of untested rape kits in jurisdictions