

One on Sept. 28, 2015? My birthday!!!! Time to begin preparing the sacrifice.....

As a French person, I have read all the negative reactions in the comments here, and I must say : I've read the same ones on most French websites. And not as many positive ones, by the way. Did anyone say rape culture ? Most people expressing their views on the subject (which, you'll agree, is not necessarily the same

They had a wig for that.

The gentleman at 1:58 looks familiar. . .probably because I've seen that exact photo in one of my grandmother's albums! It's one of my uncles. No, really. He had photos taken when he was in a band, around 1976, I believe. They were never that big, mostly played bars, but had head shots done so they could send them

People like writer 1 make me sad because I used to be one of them. I drank the misogyny cool-aid and would talk about how I was so above other women. I am super into gaming and baseball and I would lament how girls just don't "get it". I would assume all other women wanted to talk about where things I defined as

I don't what his Q score is but I'm going with Bill Moyers as most likeable. And one of the best.

We are Russian.

Thank you! What a stupid reading of her character- the idea of calling her a feminist warrior is laughable. She has no real goals other than POWER (just like her husband). The best thing about Claire (from an entertainment perspective) is that we finally have a female antihero that is just as terrible and complex as

Um, no. This "feminist warrior" is the same woman who told her previous employee she would be willing to let her unborn baby "wither and die inside of (her)" after cutting off her health insurance intentionally to deny crucial medicine so she could manipulate her into dropping her lawsuit. Claire (just like Frank)


Wait, Lord Grantham is Turkish?! That explains so much about Lady Mary's interest in Mr. Pamuk.

My goodness. What is Lord Grantham/Hugh Bonneville doing at Sochi? He is unamused.

I signed up to run a half marathon that is occurring over Memorial Day weekend. I have run one 5k and one 10k in my lifetime, so I am what you would call a "beginner runner". I actually love to run, as it's great to just zone out and listen to Kesha.

When you're talking about ultra orthodox Jews, Natalie Portman (who had a child out of wedlock with a non Jew and has posed naked in movies) might as well be Muslim.

No matter what religion, the fundamentalists take the fun out of everything.

Ok, I see your point. And I think it's a good one.

Brilliant, absolutely brilliant! Bravo, bravo! It's interesting that the female joggers were shirtless. It's very rare to see that in such videos (well, from the ones I tend to watch). I like that that's included. This video just hits the nail on the head!

Amen, sister!

Good heavens, why are you shouting the words "vaginal atrophy?" I understand that this sounds horrific to someone who is, perhaps, many years away from menopause, but all it means is that the tissues in the vaginal canal become dry and more fragile...it's not quite as if the whole thing shrinks up and goes away. How