
It's like it's open season on black women. I am so fucking sick of it. Black men get to dog the shit out of us. They will cape for white women and talk about us like we are less than the shit on the bottom of their shoes. I have had my male cousins discuss why they are not going to mess around with black women because

damn, girl. you raised so much in me with this. THIS is exactly it is so frustrating, and reinforces my feeling that at black girls and women are at the bottom of society in terms of who "needs defending." I'm so disappointed in the men for not supporting what she was saying, and it never ceases to amaze me that many

Really? In the 1950s, a 51 year-old women asking for directions in a popular shopping district of major US cities could expect to be gang-raped? Oh please tell us more about the 1950s!

People always double-take when I tell them I'm from the south, because I don't have an accent. Then they ask why I ditched it. I tell them that it's a secret and that I'll share eventually.

Before any northerners get all smug, know we have bad race issues up here too. Our cities are segregated and rural North Dakota is just as bad with their racist views as rural Louisiana. The only time I'd heard the n-word used in person was in Columbus, Ohio.

As a fellow person from the South I was not shocked by Phil Robertson's comments, but I did find them abhorrent, and I find this article to be insulting as well. Maybe not as bad as Duck Dynasty, but still pretty bad.

I'm really sorry you're having to deal with all of this. It must be really difficult. Don't feel like you have to keep being friends with him. There's no rule obligating you to maintain a relationship with him if you feel it will only bring you down or cause you additional pain.

BTW "just kidding I'm White" is indeed a thing. I've heard it many times, and it's even been said to my face...

For folks who don't recall this from the last time: with the equipment we have these days, it's possible to detect the extremely low levels of various elements present as the result of normal dirt getting into hair. Your hair, too, would show evidence of the presence of heavy metals. Nor am I seeing anything


How you gonna walk with numb feet? People break their ankles all the time because they stand up on a foot that has gone to sleep and they fall.

You're not part of the solution, Mr. Haworth. Besides, wasn't pain supposed to serve as a way for your body to scream at you that you're hurting it? Seems like a terrible idea to shut down that voice.

Oh, please. I'm so old, I started watching SNL in its first season. People have been saying "SNL hasn't been funny since..." ever since.

I adore this. However, my single-person cookie recipe goes like this:

You guys. Can we not just appreciate the sentiment instead of wondering if she lit-rally wants to ban calling people fat?

Thanks so much everyone!! I'm still finding all the places my work has been posted, and I'm proud to be featured here! :D

I am appalled that some of you actually thought that 1.9 times is 1.9%.

So the rhythm method. Enjoy your eventual unintended pregnancy.

You kidding? Have you seen a map? You can see their dick from space

It does matter. It especially matters quite a bit when it's too small. Most women like average, while a smaller minority are only satisfied with above average. So though it does matter, most men are just fine.