
Diane also goes around the country throwing temper tantrums when men try and open the door for her. She has abortions at eight months and three weeks. And she files false rape complaints by the score.

This should bring the curtains down on her career.

Anybody else see the headline and thought we were talking menstruation, or just me?

Between this and the rimjob article linked here today, I'm glad I'm too old and celibate for all this nonsense. I'm gonna go get me another cat and see what's on Netflix.

Sometimes, I feel like the rush to validate women who have a harder time orgasming but still want sex ends up saying that women, as a group, should really just settle for fewer orgasms. Despite being a woman, yes, an orgasm is the main goal for me.

I have had good sex without orgasms too, but I find something troubling about the way some people are just waving away the fact that women aren't orgasming during casual sex as "not important if the woman doesn't mind it." Because the reasons I might not come during a casual hookup include the completely legit ones

Orgasming during random hookups is basically an Easter egg. I'm no longer in the business of random hookups: for good reason. I've found that sexually investing in one or a few people who you teach about your specific needs is far more pleasurable.

Because they just pretend to be lesbians because that's the cool thing to do. In reality, they're all just big sluts who seduce college athletes and other defenseless dudes and then cry rape. Plus, most women who get abortions aren't even pregnant. They just go in once or twice a month to get their uterus cleaned out

I don't have children (I'm 29), but I taught intensive preschool for years. These are classrooms of about 12 children ages four to eight with developmental delays, autism spectrum disorder, and profound behavioral problems often including violence. If I can handle that classroom for six hours without once raising my

What the actual fuck is up with feminists trying to justify physical and emotional abuse when it's parents spanking and yelling at their children? On a website that feels comfortable telling men they're creepers if they try to have a conversation with you even if you you're wearing headphones?

No one in the history of humanity has ever had a rational conversation with an upset 2-3 year old.

Obviously I don't know what state you're in, and I want to say up front that my knowledge is of the law in the state of Pennsylvania. Laws are generally the same from state to state but may vary somewhat.

Hooray for Team Masturbation!

I'm gonna put a sock on this one. I'm a fit, athletic girl who did lots and lots of crazy outdoorsy stuff. And get this, I hiked up the Pyrenees 4 months after giving birth! That's because I'm a tough bitch. Oh and hey, we took our baby with us. Little one was strapped at daddy's back and he was probably the youngest

"Once you have a child, your sexual market value essentially drops to zero. "

Of course she has complex feelings; this is one of the ways in which sexual assault is particularly pernicious. It makes the victim feel a degree of complicity that you simply don't feel if someone bops you on the head in an alley and runs off with your wallet.

Please ignore that horrible person who told you that you have a drinking problem and brought this on yourself. I'm sorry I ungreyed her, but I couldn't let that stand. Whether or not you have an alcohol problem is irrelevant to whether or not you were raped, and you didn't ask for advice on drinking, anyway. Even

When I was 17 or 18, I could have very easily written the OP. And while I clearly know there were times that I felt taken advantage of, I never really considered the whole rape/victim thing. Ive also stood on the head of a pin with trying to figure out if that guy was as drunk as I was in terms of whether I thought he

Bitchface and death glares.

I think part of the problem may lie in this phrase: "my school." When you are a student, people put a lot of effort into making birth control resources available to you. If you're a 25-year-old fast food worker, that's often not the case. And, yes, there are still condoms out there at higher prices. Some women are in