
Um, do you not remember when they hired Rush Limbaugh?

HA! Although:

NSFW, btw.

By their small tough talk, Blatter was not impressed.


FUCK— why did you tell me this? (pouring out Dead Guys)

This is glorious.


I don’t know, man. Ask Kevin Kolb about the safety of rubber mats.

I had recognized the source quote, but did not realize it was actually Rice. That’s fantastic.

Characterizing what I wrote said as “jingoistic” is gratuitous and, I think, insincere. Of course I don’t expect accommodation from “the sport.” Aren’t we just talking about the domestic conveyance of soccer via sportswriting? I think we agree that legibly incorporating the vernacular of the sport is the object. I

Speaking for myself: I’m not the biggest soccer fan, but I’m not a non-fan. As somebody that enjoys sportswriting broadly, I appreciate the particular vernacular that comes with soccer writing— in particular, its distinct set of descriptive terms and metaphors. I do think it’s strange that grammatical conventions come

For some reason, when Americans write about soccer, they adopt British grammatical conventions. The British use plural nouns when referring to organizations outside of sports as well (e.g., “Intel have introduced a number of new processors.”). I agree that it’s bizarre. I can only guess that in reasonably trying to

Wow, really?

This is the best answer when they’re good, but the quality seems to vary wildly across establishments.

I used to do this on items like the Meximelt; they never had a problem with it.

And he’s wearing a Yuengling shirt? Some kind of bizarre Yinzer/Masshole hybrid, transplanted to LA? The horror!

Whether or not it’s bullshit, isn’t it customary for the first hit of a game to have a slightly higher threshold specifically so they don’t end up spilling a no hitter on a 50/50 call?

Guess Percy doesn’t really Chugg that much.

She then abruptly terminated the interview, saying she didn’t want it to dragon.