
Completely agree that how “valuable” or “value” is defined in this context determines whether or not LeBron should have gotten the award. If it’s measured as contributed share of potential to win games, no question he should get it. But you could also understand value as “value delivered,” i.e., share of victories

yeah, we were too; cost my buddy most of an eye.

I think you’re right to keep the Boston fan in you separate from that part of you which is human and good.

Ur just jelly cuz u don’t get the same respect face it u shouldnt. Maybe if u werereally creating something like in the picture, but I’ve only seen ballers tear the hoop down not raise it up.

Football Outsiders is actually predicting the Dolphins to win the division.

Nah, their run was coming to an end anyway. Could be the best division in football this year.

Dobber from Coach.

Greatest. Fraud. Ever?

They put the ice down, then paint it, then spray more water over the top, which freezes.

lol, “good republican.”

Thoroughly enjoyed this, thanks!

Conspicuously walked through, season-by-season, you mean? It’s a fair criticism of Ryan (and a reservation of mine as a fan), but it’s not absent from the article.

Otherwise, you DESERVE to have your leg broken!

Of course it's the least they could do, but I think the point here is that it is compensation, which the NCAA adamantly insists would destroy college athletics. The fact that they're willing to flout this supposedly core tenet only for high profile events is a demonstration of how brazen their hypocrisy has become.

"It's like a Rube Goldberg device designed to drop an egg on the floor."

Expecting is exactly what she's doing.

Agreed. I am lucky enough to have been able to switch to the local broadcast after like 10mins. Fitz & Barnett are no treat, but ESPN was just painful.

Thank you; I savored every vituperative syllable of this top-flight rant. How is failing to vaccinate not child abuse? Without a valid medical exception, that shit is criminally neglectful.

I did the mattress thing, but took it all the way. Moving back home for the summer after my junior year of college, I drove about 85mph up I-25 (because I was an asshole college kid who would still speed like hell, even with a mattress tied to his roof). When I got into town I reached out my window to check on things—

Still more likeable than the Patriots.