
I think it’s considered rape, because she would never have consented to having sex with this chick wearing a dick. It’s similar to when some rando fucks someone’s wife in the dark, pretending to be her husband.

i like how people like this bro always assume transgender folks are trying to use being transgender in order to commit sexual assault in bathrooms, instead of, you know, pooping.

Trivializing a life destroying condition? Yeah people are just too sensitive. Excuse me I have to go finish screenprinting my shirt with a Sandy Hook child cemetery logo.

I don’t think the two are the same. This is the continued trivialization of a really seriously mental illness and the red cup is... a cup... that is lacking snow flakes?

“No male politician would ever tell women as a group to shut up because he didn’t care about their opinion and if he did, he’d lose his job, not get applause.”

I feel you. I’m 22, and yet I get pangs of “ohmygod shut the fuck up you know nothing” in my classes sometimes.

Do yours about “why 20 year old white males need to shut the fuck up”, I bet it’ll be a crowd pleaser!

Betty Crocker isn't even real!

Correction: YOUR managers bought food for everyone.

You do realize what Gamergate was right? It was thousands of sexist assholes that doxxed her, sent her death threats, and made her life a living hell all because her asshole ex-boyfriend posted libel about her. Go fuck yourself.

Except Gamergate as a movement started as a cause to harass Zoe Quinn because of the sad sack child of a boyfriend she dumped.

Whether you think she is “virtuous” or not is irrelevant; she wasn’t the one being a harassing asshole starting wild conspiracy theories and doxxing others, she was the first and principal victim of this hate movement. You sound just like every other nerd who hates girls because they’re “sluts” and not fucking them. I


So, I’m really struggling with the cognitive dissonance of knowing men around the world will take any opportunity to keep women down and the idea that I’m supposed to fall in love with one.

To be fair, every issue Harper brought to the SCC (save for the nation wide securities regulator) was immensely stupid.

There’s gender parity and there’s racial diversity, too.

They are all someone’s daughter.

This right here? This is why gay marriage, gay rights, trans rights, and other civil liberties issues are NOT suited for the voting process or popular representation. For all the whining about the Supreme Court and judicial activism, for all the complaints about how those evil progressive judges are trampling on the

Yeah-the fact that they haven’t changed it to Family dance is the worst. Some boys DO like to dance, some girls don’t. Many kids don’t have one or both parents. Have a dance, invite each child regardless of gender. Tell them to bring an important adult in their life with them.

The fact that anyone still takes Cathy Brennan seriously shows how far we have left to go. This is a person who deliberately doxxes trans* teenagers purely to do them harm.