
For some people, yeah, they’d want to be in a dorm of their gender (“gender identity” isn’t a great term because trans folks are their gender — adding identity tends to be used to dismiss that and as a (not always) micro aggression to tell trans folks that they aren’t really their gender. Just a friendly FYI. Some

Also, I do not get the argument that trans-girls are maybe just cis-boys trying to look at girl parts. Who in their right mind would want to go through the harassment of coming out as trans for the sole purpose of looking at something that is readily available online?

Yep. I started using an adblocker because the ads were so annoying (flashing colours, auto-play audio, pop-ups, etc) and for a while several legit sites I went to ended up running malware in their ads because the company they were using for that wasn’t screening properly. I’m not about to risk my account or computer

I usually go with the talents that boost his shield/shield cooldown because once he engages there’s no way for him to get out (and he needs to keep beating on people to keep his shields up). I have tried speccing him for damage when there was a better warrior on the team and he did good damage, but without the shield

I missed the stream but how did you find him? I’ve been playing him and I want to like him, but a lot of his kit just feels awkward to me. I’m also not a fan of how slow he moves and his lack of escapes/peels. Johanna can get away with that because she’s so tanky but Artanis is squishy when his shield isn’t up.

Please tell me they didn’t just piss off a cat while going Adrenal Overload hat...

Yep. When I was hired at my last job, I was told I’d get benefits in 6 months and that since they promoted within the company I’d advance in no time. 7 years later and I never got benefits and was never even considered for a promotion because they didn’t want to pay me or anyone any more than they had to. Plus they

For sure! It’s so fucking stupid that companies can effectively pay employees less than minimum wage by giving them a salary while demanding so much more time from them.

Especially since compared to fields were being on-call is necessary, retail doesn’t pay enough for hours that are worked to cover the loss of pay when being on-call. And getting a second job can be hard or impossible because what retailer is going to hire someone whose other job demands they be in stand-by when

It’s also a lot harder to fatally stab someone if you’re not being slow and methodical about where you stab. It can and does happen, but by and large when someone goes on a stabbing spree it usually just ends up with a lot of people injured rather than killed. Plus stabbing people is physically draining, so someone

Yup. After Elliot Rodger, I lost any hope of male entitlement and sexism being seen as a key factor in such shooting sprees. He literally wrote and posted videos about how much he hated women and it’s women’s fault he had to go and kill people, yet all you heard about his motive was “we have no idea what would drive a

Yup, they figure that a woman could date/have sex with any guy as long as she lowered her standards and risked her safety (because obviously women should not be allowed personal choices in who she dates/sleeps with). But of course men should be handed — never have to work for — a traditionally hot model and never have

My dislike of hunters was two-fold.

I’m not quite sure, actually. Knives and blunt weapons most likely, but I do know that they do not like to use guns at all. They also rely more on money and clout with politicians/companies than brute strength. One of the reasons why Japanese law enforcement doesn’t go after them too much (at least from what I’ve

The best part is that even with an arsenal, you’re pretty screwed. Only the instigator has control over when or where something happens, so unless you’re psychic your ability to survive/fight back hinges on your ability to react and what the attacker wants to happen. It takes police and the military years of training

Even the Yakuza in Japan don’t like to use firearms, and they’re the biggest organized crime group in the country! When a crime syndicate has better gun control measures than a country that is purportedly built on freedom and awesomeness, you know something is off.

At least Tom Hanks was pleasant and worked (for free) to improve the airport. This dude would just stand around frothing at the mouth telling everyone just how persecuted he is because he’s too damn special to get his ass home by bus/a domestic flight.

He should have tried saying that to someone who’s been stuck in a layover for several hours and can’t leave the airport without risking missing their delayed connecting flight. Bonus if their previous flight was a redeye.

Because some countries have a caveat on free speech/freedom of expression whereby hate speech or speech intended to incite violence is banned. Anti-abortionists such as this— particularly Operation Rescue — have very violent and dangerous rhetoric, as well as condoning the use of violence in the name of their cause.

That’s always my first thought, too. “Which specific thing did a guy think he was so entitled to that it made sense to murder several others in retaliation for not getting it?”