
Yeah, whoever dreamed up the predatory transkid thing is just projecting their own predatory wishes. *CoughHuckabeecough* If anybody’s going to be sneaking peaks, it ain’t gonna be the transkids, who just want to fit in: it’s going to be the pervy bigots, who see everything but rigid hetero binary as, well,

I know that you get a lot of people scoffing at the idea as ridiculous, but the idea that a high school boy would tell his friends he’s going to dress like a girl for a few weeks so he can get in the girls’ locker room and judge who has the best tits really isn’t that ridiculous to me.

when some woman is raped in a slutty dress it will be on feminists.

Because of course, the alternative of putting a trans woman in a mens locker room results in exactly zero harm. I’m sure trans girls getting most of the violence thrown at our community is just a total accident, a freak occurence, so we should never consider it because of what might happen to a boy at a tenth of the

When anyone is brutalized, anywhere and anytime, it is on the attackers and the people preaching hate. Not the people advocating acceptance.

Last month, the school installed privacy curtains in one locker room, mandating that the transgender student use them

[long fart noise]

My Dad is allergic to coffee, but the decaf process removes whatever he is allergic to, so he can drink it.

Sometimes it’s nice to have coffee that won’t trigger a panic attack. There really is a difference. No one’s taking away your caffinated coffee. You never have to drink decaf if you don’t want to. Jebus, not getting the hate here.

Going hand in hand with this is the whole “oh that’s your knee-jerk liberal reaction.” Yeah, I'm a mindless sheep who's only offended by tasteless rape jokes because the liberal mainstream media told me I should be. Or maybe I just have basic human fucking decency.

When people lament “PC,” it really means they’re sad they can’t be assholes anymore without getting called out.

Others replied that I was being a dick for not thinking it was funny.

It’s really annoying when you point out something is offensive and people get all defensive and say the world is getting too PC and you need to get a sense of humor. In what world is rape funny? I can’t find one single aspect of rape humourous. People suck.

Assuming the bus has no shortage of available seats, putting your purse on the seat next to you is a good way of signalling “don’t sit next to me, I don’t want to talk to you.” Once the bus starts to get full though, you should move your purse, because now people have a reason to want to sit next to you besides

GamerGate doesn’t want a panel. They know fucking well they have no excuse for what they do.

You forgot one

Let me just do the Kotaku commenter talking points so that when they show up, we’ve already addressed and dismissed them:

I will stop using AdBlock when sites stop using obnoxious adds.

The internet fired the first shot, by making us so wary of online ads (throughs pop ups, autoplays, sounds, epilepsy inducing light effects, etc.) that no one even wants to give the new round of ads a chance.

He just plays evil so well! It’s a talent, I guess.