A panel about dealing with online harassment was shut down due to online harassment?
A panel about dealing with online harassment was shut down due to online harassment?
I am so tired of this discussion. Everybody is not doomed just because some men feel their sexual needs aren’t fulfilled. Men are seriously the most melodramatic. “Guess we’re just gonna have to swallow our pride and share the women now. It’s either that or rape/kill everything in sight.”
The Katniss fans would freak out because Katniss is one of the very few female leads of a successful action/adventure film. Being a woman is a central reason she’s loved/admired so much by her fans. Meanwhile there are million comedy films with men in the main roles — so I don’t really see how these two situations…
Except that The Hunger Games already exists with a male lead, under the title of Every Other Action Movie Ever Made: Parts XXI-DCLXVI.
Or is it just not a bunch of angry men claiming women cannot play such roles such as Ghostbusters?
I would say drunk driving would categorize as trying to harm/kill others
Hi, no, I actually like physics. And building equipment. And coding. And all that shit girls aren’t supposed to dig but really do dig.
Congratulations you’ve managed to work at some pretty decent places. However, that doesn’t change the issues which are still very real and still persist.
Anecdote != data.
The tech industry IS sexist. As a woman in the tech industry you see it all the time. It just so happens that most guys don’t notice or care.
I wish our immigrant laborers could find a way to do this. I’m so tired of hearing these people described like they’re all take and no give.
I fucking know right? They want to interrogate these women to see if their decision to donate was coerced or something.
And what exactly do they wanna do with those records?! This is all getting way too Salem for me...
First thought.
Anyone else terrified for these women and the employees? I would not put it past these assholes to leak all that personal info to anti-choice psychos.
You are mistaken. My apartment didn’t come with a refrigerator or freezer.
Also, you’re a tool.
$40 of meat in a week! When I was at my poorest, I had $40 a month after I paid all of my bills. I lived on rice and beans, boxed meals and frozen foods. I had no car, and had to beg rides twice a month because the closest grocery store was 15 minutes away. That’s two grocery trips per month, so food had to last two…
Heh he thinks 50 or 80 hours a week is a lot. Everyone point and laugh
You do realize you just bragged about your pressure cooker, bread maker, and storage availability, right? I’m not commenting on the inclusion of beef choices, because chicken is all most people affected in this thread can afford.
You do realize that lots of poor people work those schedules or worse right? Single Mom’s with 3 jobs envy your surplus of free time.