The Xenatec is awesome but the Citroen is breathtaking . I think I want one of them more than my next three breaths.
The Xenatec is awesome but the Citroen is breathtaking . I think I want one of them more than my next three breaths.
Hmmm... yum...
Cruises: Like Vegas but with more diarrhea...
A million times this. They registered in random island nations to avoid paying taxes and so they could pay their workers next to nothing. Fuck em. Hope they all go belly up.
Let them register their ships stateside and pay taxes and then we’ll look into giving them assistance in a year or two.
It may actually be efficient this time!
As much as I like the Element, it’s my impression it was a bit of a sales failure. They have a cult following and high value now because they never sold very many in the first place. The ZDX is kinda of in the same boat.
But what if they bring back the Honda Element as a BEV?
None of this surprises me. My brother and sister-in-law are typical, uneducated, working poor. They have two full-size Chevy trucks that they bought used, on 6yr loans (and overpaid for at a dealership). And because they have shitty credit (of course), even with my Mother co-signing they are paying like 12% interest.
Too much power and stupid headlights, but other than that a perfectly executed retromod. Just perfect. So many of them try to make behave like a new car with old looks, lush interior and wheels that clash with the design. This seems to at least attempt to keep the spirit and feel of the original product.
Vons yesterday was taping out 6' sections for the lines to help visualize safer distancing. Sure enough, guy coughing his way though the store walks right behind me to load items onto the belt the moment there was space. There was hardly anyone else in the store. People are morons.
This is less “what to do with leftover pizza” and more “how to make different kinds of pizzas”
I yelled at my co-workers friday morning after one of them said the following, “Trump is going to get re-elected since he is doing such a good job with the coronavirus.”
I hope your wife looked those ladies cold in the eyes and said, “I thought you said the media was exaggerating, Gladys.”
The natural history of these things is people get blamed for over-reacting early then under-reacting later. It’s a can’t win situation to start with, but this administration is fucking it up in every way possible.
My wife works with a group of older ladies that were throwing a hissy fit about the media’s portrayal of the virus - they believed it was exaggerated to attack the president. They argued it was just like the flu and complained that any ‘extreme’ response to this virus would create a bad precedent for the fall flu…
I love the how the whole of this specific type of jackass only starts with the sympathy and understanding......after being personally affected by it.
I remember when I was hiking the Amazon and I came to a clearing, and there was a Jalopnik commenter, sitting there with his iPad.... commenting away right before me.
I feel like if you’re a good mechanic you can improve a truck’s performance without just yanking parts out or turning them off. These are cheap, simplistic, kid-messing-with-his-used-Civic performance solutions.
I have little sympathy.There’s no justification for this kind of shit.My only thoughts are on the scale of the fine. How much would this work out per truck?
“Cant claim bankruptcy, etc”
How does that work? If their assets dont cover this,do they pay it off for years?