The math is there for anyone willing to consider it: it took $33K in repairs and maintenance to carry this Disco to 233K miles. The next owner will be the next line in the equation.
The math is there for anyone willing to consider it: it took $33K in repairs and maintenance to carry this Disco to 233K miles. The next owner will be the next line in the equation.
Holy shit 3 of those pieces of shit. This guy must be a millionaire*
The three binders that hold the truth about this vehicle meticulously manage its history.
I also enjoyed “This vehicle has never been misused or taken off road” - I know what they mean, but isn’t off roading the proper use for these?
Not a single interior picture? Even as the seller waxes poetic about how the roof rack “enhances the vehicle’s culture” — Gaak! — not a single mention of it in the text either. And this is the wife’s wheels — with a recovery kit stuck to said cultural roof rack and enough lights to be seen from space. Hmmmm ...
“Thank you in advance for your consideration and your time reviewing this asset.” And with binders full of maintenance and repair records, good luck in your future endeavors.
In the world of dreams this looks good. After you pinch yourself and the reality of a 200K Land Rover sinks in only ND can be selected.
Oh nice, I’ve never seen it!
An excellent novel and a pretty good movie, too.
The mine shaft gap, good one :-D
Right, this whole idea kind of gets dismantled by posing the question after surviving the blast: Then what? The short answer is that unless you take a few hundred people to maintain a some kind of society, you won’t have anything worth coming back to.
I cannot begin to wrap my head around the beyond fucked up situation we are in. This is going to be a nightmare. The Goebbels wannabe, stephen miller, is already tweeting about quickly implementing parts of 2025- you know- that thing trump had never heard of- in the name of an aggressive denaturalization process. Yes.…
As the contributor of this comment, yeah. The UK Granada looks rad! Unlike this turd:
Wrong Granada for sure. That’s the UK one. And the Mark 1 Granada in both sedan and coupe is a fantastic looking thing.
Duuuuude. This is the Granada mentioned in slide 6.
When the Altima ceases to exist all other Nissans become Altimas.
I can’t wait to see one with the bumper hanging halfway off and hood held down with duct tape blasting between lanes on the highway at 90mph on two space- saver spares.
but WTF will you do if it rains while you’re shopping?! Without AWD, that Honda would slide, flip, end up at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean no matter if you’re parked in Colorado or Vermont.
Wokeism is what killed DeSoto!
She’s the reason we no longer have Packard or Rambler. She killed Gommora and Black Widow. It’s because of HER that you have to pay extra to get a combo burrito at Taco Bell. My dog use to be happy until she saw Kamala call Donald Trump a poppy butt and now she won’t eat. She makes to sun go away every day at 7pm. I…