
While not the brightest move in the world, this video showing an apparent SD slot puts this phone in the race for my next. I thought the S5 was a lock, but it was unimpressive so this one may win. I'm glad to get a little confirmed info on the next big HTC.

Or, perhaps, he was not saying that the obelisk was more important than the human suffering. Maybe he was just making a point about the fact that the conflict will eventually subside, as they always have, and at that point it might be nice to not have destroyed the culture's historical touchstones that remind us of

I would consider an ELR if it weren't so bloody expensive. I don't see the value. I really liked the i3 until I found out that the 'range extending' engine does not make the i3 operate like the Volt or ELR. I just just extends the range (duh) another ~70 miles. So both have fatal flaws in my eyes.

I do want one. So that is a 50% desire rate on this thread. Reopen the plant!

With TW for internet now. Bad enough. I will not go back to Comcast. I will have to use Uverse. Unless I am in the lucky area that gets Google Fiber this year.

So creepy, basement dwelling gamers are now going to have their visage thrust upon an unsuspecting world? No good can come of this.

We (the consumer) is not responsible for the loss. So if the bank chooses to lose money due to the crappy security of the mag strip, I do not care. I'll get a new card and the bank will write off the loss. Hmm. Perhaps we will end up paying for their lazyness after all.

He wasn't given one. Easier to make sure you win that way.

That is a big rock.

No! The question is why AREN'T you taking off from highways? ... 'merica!

I bet one of the 2 previous male CEO's made less than the other. She did not negotiate as well. That is on her. The executive suite does not have a set 'pay scale'.


Was thinking same.

It did not look like it was all cop issues. There was a lot of "I'm not slowing or turning for anything" going on with these drivers.

So a lawyer and a TV commercial were not truthful?

Wait, the stone age has roads?

Because this apparently has not been said enough.

It could open cans.

Yea, if Cantore shows up in your neighborhood, it means bad things are coming.

This is great! Tonight's forecast is for frosty parking lots. Wait, there is a video of someone else doing it? No thanks, I prefer to do my own hooning.