
If you like airplanes (and tanks) the Imperial War Museum Duxford is very much worth the trip. While on my England trip in '07 I stopped just 'cause it was close, and was very impressed. It made the Smithsonian, which is good, much less impressive in my mind.

If Clarkson has taught us nothing, it is that Muscle cars can't turn. How does the driver not know this? It can't be that the owner of a 580 hp car doesn't watch TG UK!

Prove it. Define 'extremely little' and then provide a cost estimate from a reputable source.

I'll be interested to see how this holds up as the climate changes (not really happening) in the Midwest.

She's not attractive enough to shutdown Top Gear. Top Gear USA, sure. But not the UK version.

A lane is not nearly enough. Perhaps it will suffice for today's traffic, but cannot handle expected growth. It, at best, would be a very expensive beautification project that will not resolve the long term issue.

Please! NJ will tax pot, and as soon as the cash starts rolling in, they will redirect the cash to the general fund. I am guessing politics work about the same in NJ as in TX.

Yes, Austin is hilly. Houston is flat.

Actually, it was the sudden lack of speed that killed them. But I am just trying to be technically correct.

Firefighters don't take requests.

Florida woman! How I've missed you.

Hell Yes! That is half the value of self driving cars.

How did this end up responding to the wrong comment? Stupid new interface.

Nah! Editing.

When did this become Jezebel?

I anticipate that Boeing and Airbus will be designing some sort of tracking system that cannot be disabled from within the aircraft.


Saber rattling. That is what this means. US/Europe have no interest in military action with Russia over this. Putin knows it. That does not mean that a wrong move could not go sideways, but real conflict is not on anyone's wish list.

Need to see it IRL, but it might look good.