
Got to see Duxford in 2007 while visiting GB. The best museum I have yet to see.

I always thought of the Puddle Pirates as the Police, Fire, and EMS of the coast, and that is very cool. However, I think the term 'Puddle Pirate' is funny, so I have to use it when referring to the CG.

I knew I should have joined the Army! I had to pay $5,000 to run around on one of these. Of course, no one shoots at me while I'm riding, so I have that going for me.

In a nod to the growing Islamic buyer, the small female truck will wear a burqa.

He has the shorts, the tank top, the 'stash, and the mullet. Well done Mr. 80's.

The fact that Lexus was only mentioned at the end of the spot, but written 10 times here is probably what their expensive marketing research told them would happen. Now a bunch of people that like technology, will relate tech with Lexus and the cool quad-copter video. We respond to stimuli in predictable patterns, and

I don't live in NY, but I am glad to hear that the city is making sure that there will be a luxury apartment available for me if I need one.

The got some cool video. Flames, a wing coming off, people falling all over the place. Pretty cool, but the second plane had 'limited' damage. It landed with 2 wings and 3 wheels. The same number it started with.

It is cynical, but is it inaccurate? It is unfortunate that a person so young died, but to assign some level of greatness to a person who simply became mildly famous is silly. This person that few knew before her crash died. Avoid saying negative things for the sake of civility, but don't try to make her a superhero

Perfect, that is what I thought of when I saw this. I was wondering if this was Webber.


Well played sir.

Sure! We can pull them out of the desert and shoot them down, but I still can't have one.

I hate change. I love the iPhone.

Notice the number of lanes. No more than current. Austin has a traffic volume problem that gets worse each year. This just buries it. Wasted money.

The roof line reminds me of the newer Scion TC roof line. Not a fan.

These are an early civilian form of Heads Up Display (HUD), and anything HUD is military bad-assery. 'merica!

Huge surprise. Two years ago.

Welcome to NASCAR country Will.

Had same thought. Moving is a huge pain, and someone moves just because? There has to be more to that story.