
1) Remember to take the pancakes out of the oven when you’re done with them so they can cool, you can freeze the leftovers for later, and you don’t get an unpleasant surprise the next time you preheat the oven for something else.

Reading this alongside the story on people calling Jonathan Majors out for being feminized (https://www.theroot.com/the-cock-shaming-stupidity-of-toxic-masculinity-1850136337) as the flip side of the same thing. Majors is an intelligent, talented, accomplished, attractive, and lauded Black man. The idea of his

So, it sounds like Jellyfin is where I would go if I didn’t already have a lifetime Plex Pass. Is it worth it to switch? And how long has Jellyfin been around? Volunteer-built code for something like this always has me worried about longevity and stability.

If there is a child welfare case, then the end result may be termination of parental rights (or relinquishment under threat of termination), but it is the end result of a very long process. Federal law requires each state to set standards that if a child spends 15 of 22 months in foster care, then the

The story gets better. Whitney had used Linda Ronstadt’s cover of the song as her reference and that cover left out the third verse. The day of the recording, Dolly talked to the producer and was so excited to hear Whitney sing the third verse. The producer’s reaction was “What third verse?” So, that huge key change,

The missile strike was three days after testified to the grand jury and then went on TV to admit the affair and his lying about it, he picked up House seats in November, he ordered missiles into Iraq just as he was about to be impeached in December, he only ever got more popular after being impeached, but somehow

You know why you never see those MAGA types in zombie apocalypse movies? Because they all died first.

Muenster is goood, so is gouda. But if you want to get absurd about it, find a cheese shop and ask for some recommendations on gourmet options. Our local cheese chop has a caramelized onion cheddar and someone gave me a taste of it the other night. I can’t wait to get some and give it a try. Not for everyday grilled

His speech to striking sanitation workers in Memphis on April 3, 1968 was his last speech. In it, he spent a lot of time talking about the aftermath of the 1958 attempt on his life, as well as new threats he’d been informed of that week. He talks about the letter her got from a little white girl from New York who read

I’ve been editing together the pre-recorded worship videos for my wife’s church since the start of the pandemic, including new recordings of each week’s hymn. Videos are always unlisted and 8/10 get a copyright claim. We never appeal them because they don’t impact the video, but the automated claims process is utterly

Weather Underground for a pretty straightforward and reliable app. Windy for detail, multiple models, great details, lots of options to look at. 

Exactly. Dolly has turned it down before, and even tried to turn down her nomination this year, IIRC.

The German word “antisemitismus” was literally coined in 1879 in order to hide the idea behind it, which was “Jew-hatred.” It was a dogwhistle, the same way “inner cities,” “states’ rights,” and “welfare queens” have been to throw the thinnest possible veil over antiBlack racism. Stop apologizing for it and stop

Had a meeting with one of my daughter’s teachers this very afternoon. We asked “what can we do to support our daughter’s success in your class.” The teacher’s answer was “I don’t understand the question.” We are active, we both come from teacher families, we support teachers, but damn it is frustrating to run into a

Thank goodness they weren’t in Wisconsin or Minnesota when this happened or we’d have to call it #BegGate.

Five days later you come crawling back for more attention. Seriously, fuck all the way off troll.

One exception would be someone who is working on Public Service Loan Forgiveness. Those have to be on Income-Driven Repayment plans and there’s no advantage to overpaying.

My kid isn’t in your classroom, I didn’t involve you in the conversation, so your advice is, definitionally, unsolicited. I don’t have to resort to profanity, I choose to, because you’re an officious, condescending prick who can fuck off. :)

Side note, anyone know of a way to block someone on Kinja? I’m bored getting

Thank God that’s past tense. Just as parents have limited purview to tell teachers how to teach, teachers have very little to say about how to parent. Fuck off you arrogant prick.

ETA: This fall marks my 17th in the classroom. So fuck off again. And then one more time. And then one for every single year I’ve taught

No. I’ve described a problem I had, sympathizing with another parent. I didn’t ask for and don’t want your parenting advice, which seems to be contingent on me explaining the way my parenting relationship works to a stranger who also has no identifiable expertise or apparent experience but thinks that somehow