
You have quite missed the point. Thanks my guy.

She bought the house after she left BLM and NYP just has this up hoping people won’t know what LA real estate is like so they can get some clicks.

Her house is apparently 200 sqft bigger than mine. Now, I don’t live in LA, so mine isn’t worth anywhere near that much (but it looks like my backyard is much bigger). Otherwise, this story just seems like trolling.

Yeah, this. Sometimes I even had the homework done, in my folder, and still didn’t turn it in. I genuinely have no idea what the hell was wrong with me. :)

There’s a dry erase board on the side of the fridge to list leftovers that are in there (along with their original dates) that helps us both remember to eat things that we already have and get rid of stuff that needs to go. Trash goes out on Tuesday morning at my house, so the fridge gets cleaned out on Monday night

The Fox News folks are loving it. Hell, the AG of Indiana was back on Twitter praising Kanye *after* this tweet. They love Soros/globalist/shadowy cabal conspiracy theory stuff, the same sort of thing Kanye said, they just don’t say “Jews.”

...and? She’s got a 2600 sqft 3/3 in LA. Yeah, it costs 1.4 mil. She spent “thousands” on the backyard? Good for her, I guess? Unless there’s something that indicates the money came from somewhere it shouldn’t have, maybe don’t just jump in on some NY Post article that includes the word “Marxist” in the first sentence

When I’m working with thawed steaks I do the same, but specifically with frozen, it has been a problem.

The only change I’d suggest is a wire rack on top of a baking sheet in the oven. Put it in while it preheats and then put the steak on top of the wire rack to cook.

If you don’t do that, the one side of the steak is constantly getting direct heat from the skillet and the meat can cook unevenly. You could get in there

I’ve got a friend whose dad passed away relatively recently. She is very well-educated, with a long and established career of her own, and she has for years identified largely as the daughter of a lineman. It is infuriatingly weird.

As a gifted elementary kid in a Dallas suburb, I had one day a week where I’d go to school, then leave an hour later with the other gifted kids to go to a different building where we had a years-long program that was structured similarly to a college program (core courses, electives, credit hour counts). The criterion

For some reason, I’ve never liked actual peanut butter in oatmeal. Something about the taste always seems off, even when it’s peanut butter I eat in any other way. The powdered peanut butter on the other hand is a big winner.

Since competitive debate has gone basically all-electronic, the art of the pen flip may be falling away for that particular subgroup of nerds. As an old debater, I lament the loss (even though I never could flip my pen).

Reiterating what others have also pointed out: the person requesting a recount has to pay for it, that’s state law. It’s happening in a couple of other races from the same election. It’s not the SoS office just making things up. Also, the SoS is Scott Schwab, not Brian Caskey.

As a Kansan, kindly fuck off. It’s a lot of fun to dismiss red states as full of idiots, but this is also a state that’s had two Democratic women elected governor since 2004 (Sebelius was re-elected and we’re hoping we can keep Laura Kelly this year too), elected a queer Native woman to the House, has a state supreme

Credit unions all the way. We moved most of our banking to one when I qualified through an employer (only had the job one year, but once you’re in, you’re in). When we needed an auto loan, their rates were not only miles better than anyone else, but they were willing to finance a manufacturer buyback. They also were

California isn’t the first. We’ve got a constitutional amendment on the ballot here in Kansas on August 2. If it passes, it would negate a state supreme court decision which found that abortion rights are protected by the state constitution. Since most neighboring states (CO is the exception) already have trigger laws

Also, Trefoils=Shortbreads and the ABC Bakery Lemonades are waaaaaaay better than Lemon Ups.

To be fair, the only thing dumber than MBTI is astrology. OK, maybe not the only thing, but one of the few. Less dumb than MBTI is a pretty low bar to clear.

The Late Late Show would be a step down from the TDS. It’s broadcast, but the wrong timeslot. It’s also not political, which is where he’s going to be best. Not to mention, there’s no way he wants to follow Colbert every night as another TDS alum, and one who will already have covered the political ground that Noah