
Key’s a great writer and actor, but I don’t know how he’d be on a talk show yet. I’d pay folding money to find out, but he’s no guarantee. Leslie Jones is hilarious, but I don’t think I could see her doing a show. She’s too strong for five nights a week. She’s better in smaller doses.

1. It’s on Peacock.

Amber. Ruffin. Amber Ruffin. AmbeRuffin. Amber Ruffin.

I taught for several years at a different private university in OKC, one that is also affiliated with a church, but has a very different attitude toward LGTBQ2S+ students, staff, and faculty. Students would joke about the “gay by May guarantee” for freshmen or call it Out of the Closet University. I was told during my

Be Jewish. Burial in a plain pine box, no embalming.

Yeah, just get rid of sideline cheer. In most football stadiums, fan cheering is directed by Jumbotrons and there’s no cheer squad in the world that could get even a 40000-person crowd on the same page, and there’s significant risk being on the sidelines. That risk is the same in basketball, and there’s really no

Same. I use Firefox almost exclusively, only switching to Chrome once in a while. I don’t notice enough of a difference for it to matter.

We’ve been longtime Sam’s Club members, in large part because Costco has never been where we are. We lived in a metro of 1.4 million people that didn’t have a Costco until 2019. Sam’s, however, has six locations there. Now living in a rural area, there are three Sam’s I can get to faster than I could get to a Costco.

Yup. Backlinking is fantastic, connections with other stuff (like Zotero, in my case) are great, and the fact that I can just knock out a markdown or text file somewhere and put it in the folder to have it show up in Obsidian is great. And if I stop using Obsidian, there’s no lock-in on the format. 

They don’t require payment for cross-device syncing. They do have a paid sync service, but you can also sync using cloud storage. I use Obsidian on my Windows laptop and iPhone with iCloud Drive as the storage. Other than when iCloud tries very hard to duplicate files and f up the syncing, I don’t have any problems.


So, Obsidian (obsidian.md). Free, cross-platform, works on top markdown files, very extensible with a very active community. Do that.

Since that’s purely political speech and not involving a protected class, I’d say that’s not a comparable situation. It does point to the reason for the distinction, but it’s not comparable.

You would think, but the category they’re looking at is artistic. Wedding websites, cakes, floral arrangements, etc. are under the category of creative speech which the court generally distinguishes from something like retail. If the hardware store sells me a hammer, that doesn’t have a creative element that could be

When the first tooth came out, I went to the credit union and got a stack of $2 bills to have on hand. Our biggest problem came when a tooth came out during a week-long sleepaway camp last summer. Fortunately, the counselor packaged it up to come home and we convinced the kiddo that the tooth fairy couldn’t get to the

Same, but with Ziploc bags. I’ve got $2 bills for this purpose and when a tooth comes out, I stick one of the bills in a bag and put it under my alarm clock on my nightstand so I don’t forget. Kid puts the tooth in another bag under the pillow, and I can sneak in and swap baggies very quickly.

Mouthwash has become an essential step for me before leaving the house. I’m going to be wearing a mask, so 30 seconds of swishing helps knock out bad breath and whatnot before I mask up. Makes life much more pleasant.

Depends on which tests get sent out, but they almost surely expire. The BinaxNow tests I have at home (stocked up in October) expire in March 2022. If you get 5-6 months, then tests sent at the end of January should probably be good into June or July.

Did a frog get into the sewer line in our backyard and work its way into the toilet at the front of the house? Yes, yes it did. Did my wife scream at the surprise of finding it in there? Yes, yes she did. Did this incident set back out daughter’s potty training by a couple of weeks? Almost surely. 😁

Counterpoint: this fear is irrational, so simply adding more facts doesn’t rationalize it away. I know, and have long known, the incredible safety record of commercial airlines. I don’t know anyone who’s ever been in a plane crash or been injured by turbulence. I have, on the other hand, been injured in a car

To be fair, there is only one street in our neighborhood with sidewalks at all and on that street, there is no greenspace between the sidewalk and the curb.