
Matt Rife sucks. Nothing changes that. Saw an IG video that posited Matteo Lane is a better-in-every-way version of Rife and that is 100% not wrong.

We had to get a minor electrical job done on our first house about 15 months after we bought it. Electrician came out for a quote, and said, “I’m going to go out to the truck to prep the quote and I’m going to sit out there to give you some extra time. The manufacturer of the electrical panel on this house faked the

Or, have a legacy plan that gets Spotify and Hulu (with ads) for 9.99 and never, ever, ever change it.

Oh, y’all, there’s so much more. Most states have online court records and prisoner records (and not just current prisoners, but they’ll show is someone completed a sentence, and no, not just for registrable offenses). Sometimes county sites will have even more detail than state databases (and for some things, only

Don’t worry everyone, Kavanaugh’s angels are on it! Everything just happened so fast with Johnson that they didn’t have time to get finances sorted for him in advance.

I’ve had a handful of Meross plugs around the house and they are reliable. I did just have to unplug and plug three of them back in last week because they’d gone offline, but I think that was the first time in two years. Having the button as a physical failsafe is also a nice feature.

The reason Calendly (or Cal.com, which I prefer and is free for individuals) will survive is the people who use GCal for personal stuff and Outlook for work. The scheduling tools from one can’t read from the other, so that creates a space for them to exist. If I didn’t have to use Outlook for work, then this would be

The lines weren’t improvised. They weren’t the script he had that day, but they weren’t improvised. He had been giving some version of I Have A Dream for weeks leading up to the MoW. The organizers required everyone to submit their remarks for approval and they told King his needed to be less confrontational.

“Burnt” and “too strong” are two entirely different things. They over-roast their coffee. It is burnt. As a result, the flavors are not good, not “too strong.”

Minor point: Thurgood Marshall School of Law is part of Texas Southern Univ, an HBCU in Houston, not Texas State, which is in San Marcos.

Good tip. I just found it available and “bought” it. There were a couple of things left on my list from this summer, so now I can catch up on those easily.

I’m still cruising on a Spotify offer for $9.99/mo with free Hulu (with ads, doesn’t seem to be affected by the forthcoming price hikes). Prime Video is a nice add on for Prime, which I’d have anyway. I get Max free with my cell service (AT&T, which also has a 25% teacher discount on top). I pay for Netflix, I pay for

The former head of all special ed for our district (including gifted) was hired as superintendent a couple of years ago. In my state, gifted is an IEP, which has its advantages, but also creates barriers when things start to go sideways. The state underfunds special ed, so in her previous positions she wanted to work

Those who say gifted programs should be eliminated because they only serve the elite should instead be fighting for more equitable gifted identification.

Glad it’s not just me getting those.

So, less “editing good” and more “edit gooder”?  :)

The answer, as far as I can tell, is that it’s not on any side of TikTok. There are no videos of this type.”

Editing good:

When I was a kid, we had a neighbor who let the neighborhood kids play basketball in his driveway. Then he sold the house. The new owners didn’t want the kids playing in their driveway. Maybe they were worried about liability, maybe they were bothered by the noise, maybe they were just jerks. Doesn’t really matter.

I have a standing personal moral code against buying non-packaged food from a gas station. There is no Wawa, Quiktrip, or Buc-ees that can persuade me otherwise.