
Not all Jews keep kosher and it’s not like those who do will somehow be misled by this particular post.

My FICO (using the Experian app) made a big jump (100 pts) from July-August. One of the scores from CK just jumped this month, but is still ten points lower (was 80+ lower before) and the other CK score is still 50 points behind.

And remember that every Girl Scout has a personal cookie storefront. Ordering from a specific girl helps her and her troop with a portion of the cost of the cookies. Those sites should all be up for preorders now with either girl delivery or direct shipping options available. Support your local Girl Scouts!

Speaking for myself, if I’m eating oatmeal I don’t usually want crunchy. I want the flavor mixed through the whole bowl smoothly and uniformly. And I don’t have the time or desire to run a handful of peanuts through the food processor in the morning while I’m also getting coffee, getting the dog outside, feeding the

As someone who loves peanut butter, I prefer the powder for some uses. For instance, I think regular peanut butter in oatmeal sucks. The powder, on the other hand, is great in that use. I like it sprinkled over popcorn too where it can be easier to work with than actual peanuts. The powder doesn’t always work (using

Hell, he was just relieved for there to be a sexual video he wasn’t involved in!

Mayorkas is of Cuban descent and he’s Jewish. We’re all plotzing in el orgullo.

Kellyanne Kanye

We have clean masks hanging on hooks by the door to the garage. In the car, I’ll put used masks in the door until we get home. There’s a coat rack by the garage door with a shelf and a small basket on it and used masks go right in there. They either get tossed in with the regular laundry or handwashed if someone’s

I watched that Ariana Grande video. As president, she would be very cold. Why did she mutilate that pizza dough? And what the actual fuck is she doing with her head in an oven? Seriously, someone get her a wrap or a shawl or something.

Oooooh yes, just had some moon drops with my lunch. I’ve always preferred red grapes over green anyway, but thems were tasty.

And she teaches at the Gaylord College of Mass Comm at the University of Oklahoma. Basic fact checking is missing.

Just saying, there’s no way to read that last sentence that isn’t at least a little weird.

Yes. Halve and pit the avocado, flatten it just a bit, put it into a pan with a bit of oil already heated up. Let it sit there cooking up for a minute, then crack an eggs into each hole. Some of the white pours off and over? I promise, no big deal. Prefer no white to pour off and over? Scoop some extra space. It’s

We have a bunch of masks, some that a pair of lovely ladies at my wife’s church made for us, some we ordered online, and one that an agency I volunteer with sent. They get worn, then hand-washed and air dried. If I’m going grocery shopping and take one off after the first store, it doesn’t go back on and I just bring

That’s really what you took away from this? That prosecuting cops who kill unarmed people is the same as pursuing excessive sentences for POC who commit nonviolent crimes?

Dear God in heaven, yes.

Alt+Space is awkward, huh? *2008-12 Lifehacker stares at you in Launchy*

Because I care about neither Cavallari or Cutler, my big takeaway from this is that other GMG sites agree with me that new-Deadspin sucks.

As a young Xer who stayed in school too long, I have weird tastes that veer from boomer to all kinds of weirdness. So, respect.