
I tried to buy an ebook through Bookshop yesterday. Their ebook service requires a third party’s app to access the books, so my dedicated e-reader couldn’t get it. Ended up calling for a refund and that was processed immediately, so that was a positive.

OK boomer.

Amash isn’t white. His parents are Syrian and Palestinian. Other than that relatively minor fact though, this is straight up, uncut truth. Doesn’t take him siphoning off many of those Republicans-but-not-Trump voters to make a huge difference in Florida, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.

No. My credit score is substantially lower than that (Credit Karma’s “Fair” range) and we are buying points. We are going through our credit union, which helps.

Was preapproved at 3.5%, 30-year a couple weeks ago. Lender asked if we wanted to lock in at that rate on Monday and we decided to wait a couple of days. Wednesday, it was up to 5% and our lender was utterly flabbergasted. We talked again today and he said it was both a matter of controlling the pipeline of

Most minor of points, but Oklahoma Christian is typically called “OC.” OCU is Oklahoma City University, a much better institution in literally every single way.

I have a strong prescription (-5.25 in one eye, -5.50 in the other). The last pair I bought in a store cost $500, took two weeks to come in, had the wrong axis for one lens (the prescription was correct, the lens was wrong), and the store could not promise me a refund/remake. When they finally did remake the glasses,

Since the cop literally said anyone smoking could be arrested...

On the one hand, yeah, OBJ is an attention whore. On the other hand though, the cop was hassling a player with threats of arrest because he might have had a cigar in the locker room of a non-smoking building and it was while the cop was threatening the player that OBJ smacked him. So, fuck that cop.

Not to quibble, but the only unusual part is that this will be an orderly and official action of the denomination. Plenty of other Protestant denominations have split over these same issues. The UMC doing it this way makes it easier, prevents lots of lawsuits over rights to property and holdings, and makes the thing a

I think I have a pinched nerve in my shoulder/neck. There is movement-related pain there, but I also get twinges that reach around to the pectoral muscles on the same side. Knowing that I should go see my GP and take some NSAIDs in the meantime, any other suggestions for that pain? Something else that it might be

I endorse all this, full stop.

I hope they do too. The troop leader just renewed everyone who was interested and we had some girls drop out. It’s natural and expected and all, but I hope the rest keep working together. I’m never going to be someone who wants to work with elementary-age kids on a regular basis, and they’re messy, crazy, all over the

On the one hand, sure, corporatization sucks. But also, my daughter’s troop leader owns and manages a salon downtown. And her assistant troop leader is a 20+ year Navy vet. One of the moms is a professor (we’re in a small, college town). Another is a dentist who owns her own practice. Another is a pastor of one of the

I’m a CASA, and I guarantee your local office is looking for more volunteers. The training is good and the professional staff will support you throughout. It will break you heart in the worst way and give you a chance to cover over the breaks in someone else’s. In my program, we have everyone from 75 year old retired

Not every team can aspire to the class of <checks notes> West Virginia...

I have long told students to read their work out loud, from hard copy, with a red pen or pencil in hand to find mistakes. Then one of my students told me that she had Siri read her paper to her. So now I offer that as a suggestion for how to get it done as well (but still with paper in hand to track errors and then

The Five Eyes are all either the US or members of the Commonwealth. France is part of the Nine Eyes, so they cooperate with the Five Eyes, but given that the original framework for the Five Eyes was established when France was a German puppet, it makes more than a little sense that they wouldn’t be included.

Remember when he made Sean Spicer go out and insist that “covfefe” was a really-real-thing and not falling asleep on his phone?