
When I read “Final fantasy” and “Live-action”, all I can think of is that half the budget is going to be spent on hair gel.

I get that you get off on being a nihilistic edgelord—and that you apparently believe both your nihilism (and other, even less intelligent qualities as evinced through your posting history) makes you more erudite/intelligent/observant than the next person—but for the folks who really want/need help who might be sent

In theory, I agree with this comment.

My dude, everyone played that game. It was grandiose. And for those you didn’t... you’re missing out. Some of my best video game memory is going to my uncle who had a computer back then to play Lego Island. :)

Doesn’t matter if he caught anything in frame or not. Filming in the bathroom is illegal and punishable with a fine, probation, or jail time.

Yea, filming people in a public bathroom isn't a big deal. WHAT , is a big deal then? 

I give my monthly Twitch Prime sub to small streamers that truly appreciate the gesture.

They hit the nail on the head. Money. 3.5 million viewers. He will be back. It’s why I don’t watch twitch with any regularity and when I do it’s always small randoms. I’d rather watch a person playing and enjoying a game I like than some superstar getting paid to shill.

Twitch banning aside, what he did is a crime in California (filming/photogrpahing people in a public bathroom is a criminal offense). Wondering why he hasn’t been charged with a crime - or if he has, why nobody is talking about the fact he committed A CRIME.

Cyberpunk isn’t out for another 10 months, and most sane people don’t pre-order games that are still nearly a year away from, yeah, I would hope and imagine a game you can play right now is outselling one you can’t play until April 2020.

Just get rid of him already, all these fucking people and their disgusting fucking edgy streams, learn some manners and laws because this shit is tiring.

FCA should cash in on the trend and offer different color options for the covers.

I wish my life was so awesome that the biggest problem I had was whether or not other people were removing yellow plastic protective bits from their cars.

Finally, a video that belongs on Deadspin.

It’s cool, but does not look like it would run on actual hardware. At that point it’s kind of a hybrid PC game and not really an N64 game anymore. That’s fine, but it would be impressive if they could get the N64 to run that, I like to see old hardware do tricks.

One angry fan in 2010 posted a comment on the YouTube video of the event saying “So he has time to ponce about in shitty online games to a motley assortment of furries and losers, but not write the damn book he was supposed to finish years ago? Fucker.”

Reptile: That used to be MY thing

Because by their nature PEDs directly threaten the integrity of the sport itself. Getting high on an off-day doesn’t.

Reminds me somewhat of this one here. ;-)